標題: 台灣數位相機產業組合策略與政策之研究
A Portfolio and Policy Analysis of Taiwan’s Digital Still Camera Industry
作者: 施宣榕
Shuan-Rong Shih
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 數位相機產業;產業組合分析;創新政策;Digital Still Camera Industry;National Portfolio Analysis;Innovation Policy
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 數位相機的發展由於科技的精進,解析度已可比美傳統相機。在未來如果能降低產品價格,勢必能大幅取代傳統相機。台灣以電子、資訊及半導體等產業之優勢,如能加強光學技術,以快速的創新設計能力,並利用台灣已在大陸建立大量生產基地之優勢,必定能繼多項資訊產品後以ODM之策略開拓國際市場,爭取領先地位。
Advances in digital technology have resulted in a revolutionalized change in the camera industry. Generally speaking, digital cameras can have a better performance than conventional cameras. Efforts of cost reductions on digital camera are currently underway among international players for a paradigm shift of the camera industry.
This thesis reports on a portfolio analysis for the strategic development for Taiwan’s Digital Still Camera Industry (DSC). We segment the DSC industry into three sectors, namely, high-end DSC products, mid-end DSC products, and low-end DSC products. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, in which the strategic groping and the value chain are used, respectively, for the vertical and horizontal axes. Three research methods are used for data collection, which include literature review, and general survey.
Based on the research results, it is concluded that Taiwanese firms should focus on the development of mid-end products. Taking ODM as a preferred strategy to build up the foundation, strengthen the design capability of optical components such that capabilities in ODM and OBM may be developed.
In terms of supporting policy by the government, the policy priority should include encouraging research institutes to establish optical labs, promoting projects collaborated between the academia and industry, R&D subsidies to encourage more innovations, and. managing to attract the overseas professional to join the industry.
Evaluating the industry innovation requirements and policy goals leads to a recommendation that the most critical categories of policy instruments be Scientific and Technical Development, Education, and Political. The government can help technology transfer from overseas, command and subsidize Lab. establishment, expedite collaboration between industry and academia, help hire overseas personnel, and provide human resources trainings.
Appears in Collections:Thesis