標題: 內部行銷、工作滿意與組織承諾關係之研究─以台灣電力公司為例
The Study of Relationship among Internal Marketing, Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment—The Example of Taipower company
作者: 林佳慧
關鍵字: 內部行銷;工作滿意;組織承諾;Internal Marketing;Job Satisfaction;Organization Commitment
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 台灣電力公司負責民生、工業用電之供應,與社會繁榮及經濟成長至為密切, 因國營事業係屬於自給自足的公司體制,「以事業養事業」,自負盈虧,且電力事業肩負許多政策性的任務與目標,不計代價供電至偏遠地區及急需用電之住戶,與一般民營企業以營利為目的者不盡相同。近幾年面臨複雜多變環境,在內外環境如此困難的經營條件下,員工壓力亦隨之增加,公司實應加強與員工間之溝通,提高工作滿意度,才能爭取員工對公司的認同與支持,故本研究欲瞭解台電公司的內部行銷現況,並透過瞭解台電公司員工之工作滿意度,以對於組織承諾的影響。 除以文獻探討理論外,並採用問卷調查及統計分析方式: 一、問卷調查法:而後蒐集研究資料,計發出問卷共500 份,扣除無效問卷0 份,有效問卷為270 份,故有效回收率為54﹪。 二、再以統計軟體SPSS 12.0 進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數 分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等統計方法。 得到以下結論: 一、在不同的個人背景變項,除了性別外,其他的背景變項均會對內部行銷感受 產生差異;工作滿意方面,服務年資表現出顯著差異;組織承諾的部分,不同的服務年資與職位的組織承諾會有所不同。 二、內部行銷、工作滿意與組織承諾之相關性中,各變項間均呈現正向關係。 三、內部行銷、工作滿意與組織承諾的影響性中,內部行銷對於組織承諾具有其 解釋力,但若加入工作滿意作為中介效果,則對於組織承諾之解釋力將更為提高。 根據研究發現與結論,建議台灣電力公司應重視內部行銷的落實,同時提高公司成員之工作滿意,將有助於員工對公司組織承諾的提昇。
Taiwan Power Company mainly supplies the usage of the domestic and industrial electricity and thus is closely related to social prosperity and economical growth. Government-owned corporations are self-sufficient. If they are profitable, they further support other subsidiary companies. If they are not profitable, they have to figure out a way to improve it. Electricity Company is different from private sector, which aims on making profit, and is shouldered with the responsibility of conducting policy-related missions and carrying out various objectives. Consequently, electricity is at all costs supplied to residents who are in urgent need or who live far away. We are facing complex and changing environment in recent years. Under such difficult operating conditions, employees are becoming more and more stressed. Our company should enhance communication with employees and raise the overall degree of job satisfaction so as to win employees’ support and recognition. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand Taiwan Power Company’s status quo of internal marketing, the degree of employees’ job satisfaction and its effect on organizational commitment. In addition to the clarification of traditional theory, questionnaire survey and statistical analysis are also used: 1.Questionnaire survey: and then research material is collected. The total questionnaires are 500 copies and valid ones are 270. Valid return rate is thus 54%. 2.Statistical software: SPSS 12.0 is used to perform statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, One-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and so forth. The following conclusions are drawn: 1.Except sex, all the other personal background variables embedded result in difference in internal marketing feeling. As for job satisfaction, different service years have different effects on the result. Different service years and positions also have different impacts on organizational commitment. 2.All of the three variables, internal marketing, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, are positively correlated with each other. 3.Internal marketing can explain the variation in organizational commitment. The explanatory power will enhance if job satisfaction is added as a mediation effect. Based on the conclusions above and what we have found in this study, we recommend that Taiwan Power Company should focus on the fulfillment of internal marketing. Furthermore, improving employees’ job satisfaction will increase their organizational commitment to the company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis