Title: 台灣寵物市場連鎖通路消費行為與競爭分析
Analysis of competition and comsumtion behavior of chain store in Taiwan pets' markets
Authors: 劉明泉
Liu, Ming-Chuan
Chen, Su Kung
Keywords: 寵物;連鎖店;通路競爭;Pet;Chain Store;Channel Competition
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本論文研究動機起源於寵物市場通路經營多元化及競爭激烈,在十數年的工作經驗中對未知的消費者如何選擇信任的寵物店消費以及連鎖的寵物店如何在市場做出差異化以期脫離價格競爭的迷思?本論文研究新竹以北的幾家較具規模及知名度的寵物連鎖店消費群,以實際到各連鎖店隨機抽選的門市發放問卷方式,收集消費者的相關意見,再將收回的問卷資料加以整理,用統計軟體SPSS加以分析,以求發現其中關鍵之處。 研究發現一、消費族群特徵: 女性族群較多,未婚比例比較高,21∼40歲為主要族群,大專教育程度佔了七成,以一般企業職業者居多,學生為第二大族群,月收入約在2∼5 萬者佔了五成以上。 研究發現二、消費態度的偏好: 有五成的消費者對飼料品牌沒有忠誠度,僅不到一成的消費者對寵物住宿有經性的需求,已經有超過七成的消費者對寵物健康預防很重視且有實際的支出。 研究發現三、影響連鎖寵物店消費者的因素: A. 地點便利 B. 商品種類多樣化 C. 價格
There are two motivations to start this research. The first motivation is to find out how customers choose pet shop and keep loyalty on it. The second one is to understand how pet shop chain stores make market differentiation to avoid price competition in such intensive competition and diversified channel environment. The research is focus on customers who consume in branding and large scale pet shops in north of Hsinchu. The research methodology is to distribute questionnaire randomly in those chain stores and collect the answers. After that, SPSS is used to analyze the data and to conclude the result. Finding 1 Consumer feature There are more female consumers than male, especially single female. Seventy percent of the consumers have college education background. First large group is employee and the following is students. Fifty percent of the consumers’ salary level is between NTD 20,000 and NTD 50,000. Finding 2 Consumer preference There are fifty percent of the consumers who do not have brand loyalty and only less than ten percent of the consumers have the demand for pets’ hotel. Additionally, more than seventy percent of the consumers believe pets’ healthy is very important and have consumption about it. Finding 3 the elements which impact on consumer A. Location B. Diversified products C. Price
Appears in Collections:Thesis