Title: 模擬驗證限制理論之可得性生產管理-以C公司為例
Using TOC to simulate the Make-to-availability production-A Case Study of C Company
Authors: 李國斌
Li, Rong-Kwei
Keywords: 拉式需求;目標庫存水準;限制理論;Demand Pull;Target inventory level;Theory of Constraint
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract:   2009年金融風暴時,各產業遭受到前所未有的衝擊,市場對於未來的需求,皆感到極度之悲觀,在此氛圍下,大廠紛紛以大幅度地減產來應對需求凍結的趨勢,並且開源節流、減少開銷來應付不明的寒冬;所幸,在終端需求逐漸地恢復下,需求能見度也由最初的急單,進而轉為中、長期的訂單,化解了這次全球性的危機。然而在這次的金融危機中,可以明顯看出產業供應鏈的缺失。在計畫性的生產模式中,以預測方式進行生產規劃,但是往往由於預測的不準確,使得倉庫堆積著大量的成品庫存,但都不盡是客戶需要的產品;而在訂單式的生產模式下,卻無法即時滿足顧客的需求;有鑑於上述之缺失,本研究將以面板產業之自製彩色濾光片廠為例來模擬與驗證限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)要貨有貨之「可得性」,以「Demand pull」這一套簡單又有效的操作模式,並且運用「目標庫存水準」來控制庫存水位,希望透過實際數據的模擬與驗證,可以用「較低的」庫存水位,來達到滿足客戶需求,進而提昇企業的獲利及競爭力。
  All walks of life were suffering unprecedented impact during the financial crisis of 2009 and the market was pessimistic extremely about the future demand. In this atmosphere, tier one companies cut production one after another in response to the trend of demand freeze and reduce expenditure in answer to an unpredictable future. Fortunately, it started to recover gradually on end-user’s demand. The visibility of demand turned to mid-term / long-term order from the urgent order in the very beginning to get through the global crisis. Nevertheless, the flaw of industrial supply chain was observed evidently during the financial crisis. In Make-to-stock Product (MTS) model, production planning was carried out based on forecast. More often than not, there will be a lot of finished goods inventory in the warehouse due to inaccurate forecast but not all of them are what customers need. However, it can’t satisfy the necessary of customer timely by adopting Make-to-Order (MTO) model. In view of the above-mentioned faults, the study will simulate and validate availability of Theory of Constraints by taking self-made Color Filter (CF) in flat panel industrial. In addition, by using a simple and effective operation model called 「Demand pull」 and 「Target Inventory Level」to control inventory level to satisfy customer’s demand and then boost the profit-making ability and competitive advantages of the company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis