Title: 政府單位資訊部門進行CMMI流程改善的案例研究
A Study Of CMMI Implementation Methodology for Government IT Department
Authors: 黃薇如
Keywords: 能力成熟度整合模式;採購管理;關鍵成功因素;IDEAL模式;Capability Maturity Model Integration;Acquisition;Critical Success Factors;IDEAL Model
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 隨著資訊科技發展,政府及企業均以委外資訊服務進行因應,因此,在合理的成本與時程內,交付高品質的軟體,導入CMMI用以評估及改善軟體流程蔚為潮流。由美國卡內基美隆大學軟體工程學院(CMU/ SEI)主導的能力成熟度整合模式(CMMI, Capability Maturity Model Integration)近年來已成為資訊系統開發重要的流程改善模式,並於2008年發表了適用於採購者的CMMI模式,期望CMMI-ACQ (CMMI for acquisition)提供「促進採購者主動而有規範的採購統馭能力」的準則。 本研究以政府資訊部門做為個案,進行個案研究的資料蒐集與分析。資料蒐集來源包括:1.透過深度訪談個案參與之關鍵人員;2.蒐集該機關內之相關文件檔案資料;3.記錄個案導入CMMI-ACQ過程中的實地觀察情形。並根據文獻資料,ITIL導入、流程再造、六標準差、CMMI導入整理出共通的關鍵成功因素13項,與CMMI導入獨特關鍵成功因素10項,用以1.探討公、私部門流程導入的關鍵成功因素的異同點;2.得知每個階段的關鍵成功因素;3.得知每個階段可能面臨的困難及阻礙,及其如何克服之做法。
With the development of technology, a lot of governments and enterprises choose to outsource their IT services. As a result, it becomes a trend to use the CMMI methodology to evaluate and improve business processes. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) published the Capability Maturity Method Integration (CMMI), which had become the most important process improvement model in recent years. In addition, SEI published the CMMI for acquisition in 2008. It provided the criteria for buyers. The research focus of the study is to observe and analyze a number of cases implemented by the IT Department in the government: (1) the collection of the IT department’s files and records about the project, (2) the interviews of every single personnel involved in the project and (3) the recordings of the whole process of applying CMMI-ACQ at every stage. The study collects and generalizes the Critical Success Factors from ITIL, Business Process Reengineering, six sigma and CMMI. By using the Critical Success Factors, the study aims to find out: (1) the differences and similarities between the government and company by using the Critical Success Factors, (2) the Critical Success Factors at ervery stage and (3) the discussion of the problems that might occur at every stage of the applying process, and the solutions for them.
Appears in Collections:Thesis