Title: 結合相依性相似度,信任網絡,及社會關係之電子商務推薦機制
A Synthetic Approach for Electronic commerce Recommendation Mechanism: Similarity, Trust, and Social Relation
Authors: 吳俊德
Wu, Chun-Te
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 相似度;社會網路;信任度;混合推薦;電子商務;Similarity;Social networks;Trust;Mixed recommendation;e-Commerce
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 全球網際網路(World-Wide Web)的興起改變了傳統的交易進行方式,促成了電子商務的蓬勃發展,使得網路商店與商品的數量呈現爆炸性的成長。但是消費者如果要由這些琳瑯滿目的網路商店找到自己所想要的商品,必須花費相當多的時間與成本。因此個人化推薦系統可以幫助消費者在面對大量的商品資訊時,藉由系統的預測來建議商品推薦清單給消費者,以省下許多搜尋資料的時間與成本。
The rising of Global Internet (World-Wide Web) changed the transactions of the traditional way, contributed to the rapid development of e-commerce, and maked the explosive growth of the online stores and products. However, if the online consumers want to find their wanted goods, they must spend considerable time and cost. That's why Personalized Recommendation System can help consumers to find the favorite goods by predicting and providing a recommended list of goods to consumers, to save lots of time and cost of their searching for information.
The main purpose of this study is using more complete factors, that is, similarity, trust value, and the relations of social network, to make the recommended mechanism to close to the actual assessment of consumers. We also try to improve the limitations and shortcomings of Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System.
Summarized by statistical analysis of the questionnaire, the results found that even facing the same product/category, consumers will have their own decision-making considerations, and significantly affected by the impact of personality traits, such as gender, age, economic ability. The experimental results also found that, if combining these factors and weights in the recommended system's mechanism, it will be a greater improvement for enhancing the accuracy of Recommended systems.
Appears in Collections:Thesis