標題: 教師遊戲經驗與玩家認同對數位遊戲管教態度之探討
A Study of Game Experience and Player Identity on Teachers’Disciplinary Attitude toward Digital Games
作者: 呂政勳
Lu, Cheng-Shen
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: 學校中的遊戲;遊戲經驗;玩家認同;管理態度;games in school;game experience;player identity;managing attitude
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著數位遊戲進入校園之中,教師管教數位遊戲成為校園中必須面對的新議題。教師管教學生數位遊戲與教師個人背景與遊戲經驗相關,遊戲經驗較豐富的教師對學生在數位遊戲管教與遊戲經驗較少教師呈現不同的態度;教師若是屬於數位遊戲玩家族群,基於對所屬族群的玩家認同,數位遊戲的管教更可能呈現顯著的差異。本研究從教師個人背景因素與遊戲經驗探討管教數位遊戲的情形,並以玩家認同的角度看待學生數位遊戲的管教。 本研究發現如下: 1.不同年齡教師在數位遊戲管教種類與玩伴管教上達顯著差異,在遊戲時間地點方面則無顯著差異,20歲至30歲的教師在管教上最為開放。 2.大小型學校教師在數位遊戲時間、地點、種類、玩伴上達顯著差異,小型學校教師在數位遊戲管教上較開放。 3.遊玩經驗長短的教師在數位遊戲種類與玩伴管教態度上達顯著差異,其他兩類管教上則無顯著差異,遊玩時間較長教師在數位遊戲管教種類與玩伴管教較遊玩時間較短教師開放。 4.教師遊玩種類多寡在數位遊戲管教種類與玩伴上達顯著差異,其他兩類管教上則無顯著差異,遊玩數位遊戲種類較多教師在種類與玩伴上較開放。 5.教師目前有無遊玩數位遊戲在數位遊戲時間、地點、種類、玩伴上達顯著差異,僅在教學上使用數位遊戲的教師在數位遊戲時間、地點與種類上較其他兩組教師開放,在玩伴管教上則是目前有玩數位遊戲教師最為開放。 6.高低玩家認同教師在數位遊戲時間、地點、種類與玩伴上達顯著差異,高玩家認同教師在數位遊戲管教時間、地點、種類與玩伴上均較低玩家認同教師開放。
As digital games are penetrating campuses in varied ways, teachers’ managing digital games in campus is a brand new subject that we have to face. Moreover, teachers’ background and game experience are related to their attitude toward managing students’ playing digital games in school. We are likely to find different attitude from gaming-experience-rich teachers and their colleagues with less experience. In this research, we also use player identity to conduct this research of digital game management in school, in addition to teacher’s personal background and game experience. Our research findings are as follows: 1. Young (age between 20 and 30) teachers’ attitude toward playing digital games are looser in terms of game genres and companions. 2. Large or small scale of school has significant correlation to managing the gaming time, location, genres and companions. 3. Long or short playing experience has significant correlation to managing gaming genres and companions. 4. More or less number of ever-played game genres has significant correlation to managing genres and companions. 5. Non-player teachers show significant correlation to playing time, location, genres, and companions. Player teachers who only play games for instruction are looser on gaming time, location and genres. The loosest on companion management is player teacher. 6. The high-gamer-identity teachers are looser on digital gaming time location, genres, and companions.


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