標題: | 環保無鉛壓電材料商業計畫書 Environment-Friendly Lead-Free Piezoelectric Material Business Plan |
作者: | 江彥青 Chiang, Yen-Ching 唐瓔璋 Tang, Ying-Chan 企業管理碩士學程 |
關鍵字: | 環保;綠能;無鉛;壓電材料;商業計畫書;可再生能源;鐵酸鉍;鋯鈦酸鉛;Environmental -friendly;Renerable energy;Green;PZT (lead zirconate titanate);Piezoelectric Material;Business Plan;BFO(BiFeO3);Business Model |
公開日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 本論文係針對環保綠能無鉛壓電材料所撰寫的商業計畫書。並以台灣交通大學材料所研發的綠能無鉛壓電材料-鐵酸鉍(BiFeO3)做為研究主體。藉以評估此技術商品化,和取代傳統應用領域相當廣且普遍使用的壓電材料鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)之可行性及市場潛力,並擬定商業發展策略。目前鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)雖有其他替代材料,卻都因轉換效能或成本因素,無法取代其全世界皆廣泛使用的市場地位。然而,鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)含鉛,鉛是種有毒物質,且對環境保護和人類健康都有負面影響。再加上,全球對環保議題的關切及如RoHS和WEEE政府法令的推行和綠能市場興起,使得世界各地許多學術研究機構和公司皆致力於研發無鉛且可替代鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)的綠能壓電材料。而本商業計畫書研究的主體,由台灣交通大學材料所研發的綠能無鉛壓電材料鐵酸鉍(BiFeO3),僅需相差無幾的成本,卻擁有約較鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)佳12%的轉換效能,更重要的是它具有環保無鉛的特性。為了在競爭者多的市場環境中,成功地展現及商品化此無鉛壓電材料核心的技術優勢,本研究於是採取商業計畫書模式去尋找辨認市場機會、發展行銷和營運策略、進行風險分析和五年的財務計畫,以幫助創業家們和新創公司能夠採取有效的商業策略,以進一步獲得持久性的競爭優勢。本研究經由分析和運用有價值的文獻探討、策略市場研究、企業和學術專家的交流訪談、實際商業的協商會議、以及參加多次國際創業及商業競賽獲獎的洗禮和增修,使得此篇關於環保無鉛壓電材料的商業計畫書更添加實用性和完整性,相信會為下一個商業階段的提案或執行提供一個很好的研究基礎和貢獻。 This study is to perform feasibility evaluation of an actual lead-free piezoelectric bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) which developed by NCTU in Taiwan has great potential as an efficient replacement for traditional PZT (lead zirconate titanate) in business plan format. There are several alternatives of PZT (lead zirconate titanate), but they are more expensive or less efficient than it. Thus, PZT (lead zirconate titanate) are most widely used to manufacture products in the modern world. However, PZT (lead zirconate titanate) is a lead-based. Lead has classified as a hazardous substance because of its negative environmental and health effects. Therefore, global environmental concern, government policy such as RoHS and WEEE , and market potential drive companies, universities, colleges, research institutions to discover a practical lead-free piezoelectric material to substitute PZT (lead zirconate titanate). The environment-friendly lead-free piezoelectric bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) generates 12% more electricity than traditional PZT and has similar production cost. To win over a complicated scenario and commercialize the core technology successfully, the research uses the business plan format to identify the market opportunity, define marketing as well as operation strategy and make risk assessment and 5-years-period financial analysis to help the entrepreneurs and companies to obtain and maintain the sustainable competitive advantages. Through practical and valuable literature re-views, strategy market research, industry and academic experts’ interviews, real business negotiations, and participating in international entrepreneur competitions, the business plan is enhanced more practically and completely, which really generates important and practical findings for the next business stage. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/46558 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |