DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen, Shih-Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorTang, Yin-Changen_US
dc.description.abstractAcer’s remarkable success in European PC market last ten years can be attributed to its channel strategy. This thesis analyzes Acer’s channel strategy, channel selection, and success factors based on several theory propositions. These propositions explain channel selection approach from seven points of view: Environment, Producer’s Power, Partnership, Product-Technology Life Cycle, Internationalization Process, Organizational Structure, and Previous Experience. An inductive approach, using secondary data collected through internet and from journals is used to define the decision making approach and the strategy adopted by Acer. Other secondary data about European PC market will be analyzed together with the propositions to come up with the logic behind the decision making and the success of Acer’s channel strategy. The result of this thesis not only develops the key factors that affect Acer’s channel selection and success, but also provide other companies with some ‘takeaway’ to help them make their channel decisions.zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAcer’s remarkable success in European PC market last ten years can be attributed to its channel strategy. This thesis analyzes Acer’s channel strategy, channel selection, and success factors based on several theory propositions. These propositions explain channel selection approach from seven points of view: Environment, Producer’s Power, Partnership, Product-Technology Life Cycle, Internationalization Process, Organizational Structure, and Previous Experience. An inductive approach, using secondary data collected through internet and from journals is used to define the decision making approach and the strategy adopted by Acer. Other secondary data about European PC market will be analyzed together with the propositions to come up with the logic behind the decision making and the success of Acer’s channel strategy. The result of this thesis not only develops the key factors that affect Acer’s channel selection and success, but also provide other companies with some ‘takeaway’ to help them make their channel decisions.en_US
dc.title歐洲個人電腦通路策略: 宏□個案研究zh_TW
dc.titleChannel Strategy in European PC Market: Case study of Acer Europeen_US


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