標題: 棋類教學平台之多點觸控系統
Multi-Touch System for E-Learning Platform of Board Games
作者: 廖家茵
Liao, Chia-Yin
Wu, I-Chen
關鍵字: 多點觸控;Multi-Touch
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文開發出一套適用於電腦棋類教學平台的多點觸控系統。系統內包含以WPF開發而成的棋類教學平台和以此平台為主設計而成的棋類遊戲模型,讓符合此棋類遊戲模型的遊戲,都可以在此平台上實作,此棋類遊戲模型以六子棋為主要應用。
We develop a multi-touch system for E-Learning platform of board games. This system contains the E-Learning platform and games model of board games. We use WPF to develop this system, and the board game of connect6 which is our main application.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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