標題: 可相容高工作電壓且具有負載適應性之抑制癲癇發作電流刺激器設計
Design of High-Voltage-Tolerant Stimulus Driver to Suppress Epileptic Seizure with Adaptive Loading Consideration in Low-Voltage Process
作者: 李易儒
Li, Yi-Ju
Ker, Ming-Dou
關鍵字: 癲癇;刺激器;Epilepsy;Stimulus Driver
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 電刺激技術已是一種常見的醫療方式,例如功能性電刺激 (functional electrical stimulation, FET) 與治療性電刺激 (therapeutic electrical stimulation, TES)。透過電流訊號流過患者的待刺激部位,可使患者恢復部分身體的機能。而隨著積體電路製程的微縮化,整合智慧型仿生系統於單晶片的目標已變得可行,此系統單晶片可植入動物體,以對患部進行電刺激。對植入性晶片而言,設計時的主要考量為安全性、可靠度與功率消耗。
The treatment of using a stimulus driver has been investigated and verified. By stimulating the nerves may recover the patient’s physical functions. It can be applied to functional electrical stimulation and therapeutic electrical stimulation. As the CMOS process developed, using an implantable device to provide stimulus current can be accomplished. The main considerations of designing an implantable device are safety, reliability, and power consumption.
The proposed stimulus driver is utilized to suppress epileptic seizure. Due to the loading impedance is hundreds kΩ and the stimulus current is tens μA, the voltage at the output of stimulus driver is ~10 V. Conventional works are fabricated in high-voltage process in order to sustain the high voltage at output of stimulus driver. To be integrated with other circuits into SoC, this work is implemented in low-voltage process. By designing the structure, this work fabricated in 0.18-μm 1.8-V/3.3-V CMOS process is able to sustain high voltage (~10 V) without gate-oxide overstress. It can provide stimulus current ~40 μA as the loading impedance varies from 100 kΩ to 250 kΩ. The function of this work has been verified in the animal test experiment.


  1. 165901.pdf

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