標題: 適用於H.264/MPEG4-AVC及其可調式視訊編碼之高效頻寬移動估測研究
The Study of Bandwidth Efficient Motion Estimation for H.264/MPEG4-AVC Video Coding and Its Scalable Extension
作者: 李國龍
Li, Gwo-Long
Chang, Tian-Sheuan
Chen, Mei-Juan
關鍵字: 移動估測;高效頻寬;H.264/MPEG4-AVC;可調式視訊編碼;Motion estimation;Data efficient;H.264/MPEG4-AVC;Scalable video coding
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 移動估計演算法的高計算複雜度與資料頻寬存取量,一直以來是視訊編碼研究領域中非常重要的研究議題。然而,隨著高解析度視訊影像應用需求的增加,使得移動估計演算法的高資料頻寬存取量,成為影響整體視訊編解碼器效能的重要關鍵。此外,為了達到應用可調性,可調式視訊編碼所採用的層間預測模式,亦為移動估計帶來更高之資料頻寬存取量及計算複雜度。為了解決視訊編碼之高資料頻寬存取量所造成編碼系統效能下降之問題,本論文提出若干適用於整數點及分數點移動估計演算法之資料存取及計算量減少演算法。
In the video coding system, the overall system performance is dominated by the motion estimation module due to its high computational complexity and memory bandwidth intensive data accesses. Furthermore, with the increasing demands of high definition TV, the system performance drop caused by the intensive data bandwidth access requirement becomes even more significant. In addition, the additional adopted Inter-layer prediction modes of scalable video coding also significant increase the data access bandwidth overhead and computational complexity. To solve the high computation complexity and intensive data bandwidth access problems, this dissertation proposes several data access bandwidth and computational complexity reduction algorithms for both of integer and fractional motion estimation.
First, this dissertation proposes a rate distortion bandwidth efficient motion estimation algorithm to reduce the data bandwidth requirements in integer motion estimation. In this algorithm, a mathematical model is proposed to describe the relationship between rate distortion cost and data bandwidth. Through the modeling results, a data bandwidth efficient motion estimation algorithm is thus proposed. In addition, a bandwidth aware motion estimation algorithm based on the modeling results is also proposed to efficiently allocate the data bandwidth for motion estimation under the available bandwidth constraint. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm can achieve 78.82% data bandwidth saving.
In scalable video coding standard, the additional included Inter-layer prediction modes significantly deteriorate the video system coding performance since much more data have to be accessed for the prediction purpose. Therefore, this dissertation proposes several data efficient Inter-layer prediction algorithms to lighten the intensive data bandwidth requirement problem in scalable video coding. By observing the relationship between spatial layers, several data reusing algorithms have been proposed and thus achieve more data bandwidth requirement reduction. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm can achieve 50.55% data bandwidth reduction at least.
In addition to the system performance degradation caused by intensive data bandwidth access problem, the high computational complexity of fractional motion estimation also noticeably increases the system performance drop in scalable video coding. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a mode pre-selection algorithm for fractional motion estimation in scalable video coding. In our proposed algorithm, the rate distortion cost relationship between different prediction modes are observed and analyzed first. Based on the observing and analytical results, several mode pre-selection rules are proposed to filter out the potentially skippable prediction modes. Simulation results provide that our proposed mode pre-selection algorithm can reduce 65.97% prediction modes with ignorable rate distortion performance degradation.
Finally, for the video coding system performance drop problem caused by the fractional motion estimation process skipping due to hardware implementation consideration, this dissertation proposes a search range adjust algorithm to adjust the search range for the motion estimation so that the new decided search range can cover the absent reference data as much as possible for fractional motion estimation. By mathematically modeling the relationship between motion vector predictor and non-overlapping area size, the new search range can thus be adjusted. In addition, a search range aspect ratio adjust algorithm is also proposed in this dissertation by means of solving the mathematical equations. Through the proposed search range adjust algorithm, up to 90.56% of bitrate increasing can be reduced when compared to fractional motion estimation skipping mechanism. Furthermore, the proposed search range aspect ratio adjust algorithm can achieve better rate distortion performance when compared to the exhaustive search method under the same search range area constraint.
In summary, through the algorithms proposed in this dissertation, not only the data access bandwidth but the computational complexity of integer and fractional motion estimation can be reduced and thus improve the overall video coding system performance significantly.


  1. 183501.pdf

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