标题: 在具杂讯的正常血液抹片中进行白血球分类计数
Differential Count of White Blood Cell in Noisy Normal Blood Smear
作者: 洪裕笔
Hong, Yu-Bi
Lin, Sheng-Fuu
关键字: 白血球;血液抹片;影像分割;White Blood Cell;Blood Smear;Image Segmentation
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 对医学检验单位而言,血液抹片人工镜检是不可废除的一项重要检验依据,但是人工镜检确实是一个耗时耗力的过程,除了血液抹片本身制作上的优劣之外,还得要考虑到不同医检人员因为疲劳或者是标准不同而有不一样的结果,因此,以数位影像分析的技术来协助这项工作的进行,将能够减少人力的消耗,让血液抹片镜检更有效率。
本论文的贡献有三,第一,透过二值化以及区域成长法,能将上述所定义的杂讯排除,进而找出本论文所要寻找的白血球细胞核区域;第二,在找到白血球细胞核区域之后,将可以完成多颗白血球影像定位,以利后续分析;第三,利用距离转换(distance transform)以及平均值移动演算法(mean shift),可以找出白血球细胞核分叶特征,配合形状特征以及纹理特征将能够使判断更为精确。
For the medical examination unit, the artificial blood smear examination is an important test for abolition, but the process is indeed a time-consuming examination process. In addition to making blood smear on their own merits, but also have to take into account the different medical laboratory personnel due to fatigue or different standards then have different results. Therefore, to digital image analysis technology , assisting in this work, will be able to reduce human consumption, making microscopic examination of blood smears more efficient.
The object of study in this paper as having normal blood smear noise, noise mainly from the production of bad blood smears, for example, thin smear, thick smear, stain unevenly, and cell rupture, among other factors, blood smears in the same individual images which may be because of these reasons and in the subsequent analysis produced inconsistent results, therefore, were necessary for the processing of such noise, this way in order to have convincing results basis.
There are three contributions of this paper, first, through the binarization and region growing method, able to rule out noise as defined above, and then find out in this paper to find the white blood cell nucleus area; second, find the white blood cells in the nucleus zone, more satellites will be able to complete the positioning of white blood cell imaging, to facilitate subsequent analysis; Third, the use of distance transform (distance transform) and moving average algorithm (mean shift), you can find leaf characteristics of white blood cell nuclei, with the characteristic shape and texture features will be able to make more accurate judgments.


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