標題: 玻璃模造技術於微光學陣列元件之成形研究
Fabrication of micro-optical arrays by glass molding technique
作者: 方治偉
Fang, Chih-Wei
Chou, Chang-Ping
關鍵字: 微透鏡陣列;微柱狀鏡陣列;雷射;電解拋光;精密玻璃模造;micro lens array;micro lenticular lens;laser;electro polishing technique;precision glass molding technique
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 微光學陣列元件(Micro-optical array components)已廣泛應用於光電產業。目前玻璃微光學元件多透過超精密鑽石輪磨或是精密玻璃模造技術來製造,但刀/模具、設備等成本較高。因此本研究結合雷射加工、電解拋光與精密玻璃模造技術,進行玻璃微透鏡陣列與微柱狀鏡陣列的製作,以期望縮短製程周期與降低模仁加工成本。本研究使用雷射在不□鋼材料上製作六邊形與矩形之微結構陣列,六邊形外接圓直徑為200 μm與矩形直徑為200 μm、250 μm、及300 μm。並利用電解拋光技術去除因雷射加工而形成之熔融層及改變微結構形貌,使其由六角柱與矩形結構轉變為圓頂柱狀結構。最後透過玻璃模造技術在鈉玻璃(soda lime glass)上製作10*10 mm之光學微陣列元件,微透鏡陣列深度約39.3 μm且曲率半徑為58.1 μm,兩透鏡之間距為180 μm;微柱狀鏡陣列深度約37 μm且曲率半徑為79.8 μm,兩柱狀鏡之間距為250 μm。
Micro-optical arrays are widely used in optoelectronic industry. The glass micro-optical arrays are fabricated by precision diamond grinding technique (PDGT) or precision glass molding technique (PGMT) in recently. However, the cost of PDGT or PGMT is high. Therefore, this study combines laser micromachining, electro polishing, and precision glass molding technique to fabricate glass micro lens array and micro lenticular lens array that cam reduce the cost of mold and process time. At first, external diameter 200 μm of hexagon structures and width of 200 um, 250 um, and 300 μm rectangle structures were fabricated by laser on stainless steel materials. Then the remelting layer generated by laser was removed by electro polishing technique. Finally, PGMT was utilized to fabricate the glass micro lens array on 10x10 mm soda lime glass with a pitch of 180 μm, a depth of 39.3 μm, and a radius of 58.1 μm and micro lenticular lens array with a pitch of 250 μm, a depth of 37 μm, and a radius of 79.8 μm.
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