標題: Quasi-two-dimensional simulation of scour and deposition in alluvial channels
作者: Lee, HY
Hsieh, HM
Yang, JC
Yang, CT
Department of Civil Engineering
公開日期: 1-七月-1997
摘要: Most existing sediment routing models are one-dimensional models and hence they cannot be used Co simulate lateral channel bed deformations. Conversely, a two-dimensional model is computationally time consuming, and is not suitable for long-term simulation. Using the stream tube concept, a one-dimensional model is extended to a quasi-two-dimensional model in this study. It is capable of simulating lateral variations of channel cross section through the adjustments of stream tube boundaries. The model has an option to treat the suspended load and bed load separately and hence is able to simulate the deposition behavior of the suspended sediment under a nonequilibrium process. The model also provides options to solve either de Saint Venant equation or energy equation and hence can be applied in both steady and unsteady flow conditions. An assessment of this model's performance has been conducted through a comparison to an analytical solution and a set of experimental data, The application of this model to the Keelung River and the Shiemen Reservoir in Taiwan also gave convincing results.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/471
ISSN: 0733-9429
Volume: 123
Issue: 7
起始頁: 600
結束頁: 609


  1. A1997XH83200002.pdf

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