標題: 電動自行車的煞車回充研究與驅動器設計
Regenerative Braking Research and Driver Design for Electric Bike
作者: 呂秉翰
Lue, Bin-Han
Chieng, Wei-Hua
關鍵字: 煞車回充;驅動器;Regenerative Braking;Driver
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 摘要 本文主要探討了用於電動自行車的再生煞車系統,用以增進電動自行車的續航力。控制器使用了C8051F340晶片,並針對三相無刷直流馬達的平均回充電流作回授控制。應用升壓型電壓轉換器與在升煞車的原理,將電動自行車於煞車時所損失的動能轉換為電能,回收儲存於電池。利用此一方法,不但可以延長電動自行車的行駛距離,更提升了能源使用效率。本文設計的電流回授控制器乃針對回充至電池的平均回充電流,在文中,除了對馬達、功率開關作玩整個等效電路分析之外,並利用模擬與實驗來驗證文中設計的控制器工作良好且與理論穩合。
Abstract This thesis presents a method of energy storage system for electric bike. For the purpose of saving energy and increasing the driving range of electric bike, regenerative braking control is considered. In this thesis, we design a controller based on a C8051F340 chip to control the average recharge current of a three-phase brushless DC motor. We use the boost converter operating theory to transfer the kinetic energy when braking lost to the electrical energy and recharged the batteries. This method has advantages of improving the travel range and energy efficiency. A current control feedback focuses on the average recharge current which is returned to the batteries. In this thesis, the equalized circuit models of motors and power switches are analyzed in details, and proved that our design works well and meets the theoretical estimation in experimental results.


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