標題: 新型態團購網站產業個案分析
Case study of Groupon-like website industry
作者: 彭馨逸
關鍵字: 新型態團購網站;廣告媒體;衝動性購買;體驗行銷;Groupon;Groupon;advertisement;impulse buying;cost per action;experiential marketing
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究首先介紹新型態團購網站(Groupon-like website)產業,並試圖從衝動性購買、體驗行銷及網路廣告形式等角度,說明為何每天都有眾多消費者參與搶購,為何眾多廠商願意和新型態團購網站進行合作。 再來本研究從個案分析的角度,剖析美國的Groupon與中國大陸拉手網,兩大市場的指標龍頭網站的經營模式及發展策略,並與台灣當前新型態團購網站市場資料作比對,得出以下結論 1. 初期網路廣告產業將會受惠於新型態團購網站大規模創立。 2. 未來新型態團購網站將會佔廣告產業一定市場比重 (1) 雖然整體網路廣告持續成長,但新型態團購網站將會侵蝕現有網路廣告廠商市佔率。 (2) 整體網路廣告持續成長,但新型團購網站主要以中小型商家為目標客群,讓過去無力負擔行銷廣告的中小型商家願意嘗試網路行銷,和既有網路媒體不盡相同,因此新型態團購的出現會讓整體網路廣告媒體成長更快速。 3. 過去具有相當基礎或流量的網站會是下一波跨足新型態團購產業的主角。
The study first introduced Groupon-like website industry, and tried to applied some Impulse Consumption and Experiential Marketing researches to explain how this business model could be such a success. Then we applied the methods of case study, to analyze Groupon.com in the U.S. and laushou.com.cn in China. The study analyzed the business models and strategies of these two, then compared them with the Groupon-lke websites industry in Taiwan and had three conclusions were made. 1. Online advertising industry will benefit from the fact that more and more Groupon-ike websites were becaming their customers. 2. Groupon-like websites will play an important role in advertising industry. 3. The websites who have lots of members will play an important roles in Groupon-like website industry.