Title: 顧客對團購網站的服務品質滿意度及對網站合作店家信任影響再購意願之研究─以Groupon網站為例
The Impact of Group-buying Website Service Quality, Satisfaction and Trust towards Stores on Website on Repurchase Intention-A Case for Groupon
Authors: 鍾杰蒨
Keywords: 團購網站;網站服務品質;信任;滿意度;再購意願;Group-buying Website;e-service Quality;Trust;Satisfaction;Repurchase Intention
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 全球團購市場熱潮興起,龐大商機吸引網路業者積極佈局,以投資或併購等
購物模式,這幾年來台灣網友的團購使用率明顯提高,2009 年只有11%的網友使
用網路團購,2010 年則倍數成長至22.3%。由於團購概念當紅,團購網站的

本研究衡量網路服務品質構面使用Parasuraman et al.(2005)提出的
E-s-QUAL 的效率、履行、系統可用性、隱私,再加上回應和資訊;信任構面使
用Mayer et al(1995)提出的能力、仁慈、正直來衡量。結果發現團購網站的服
The massive success of Groupon has spawned an entire group buying
industry with many players racing to copy its success. In Taiwan, the
“Groupon model" has spread like wildfire and Groupon-like wedsites
have been popping up like mushroom.According to MIC, group-buying through internet become newly B2C model. In recent years, group-buying rate in Taiwan is growing. There were only 11% of people who used group-buying through internet in 2009, but the rate doubled to 22.3% in 2010. Because of the big opportunity in groupon-buying, there are stiff competition between Groupon-buying websites in Taiwan. Thus, how to gain customers is the important issue to these websites. This study use e-service quality and trust towards shops on the website to find out how these factors affect customer satisfaction and repurchase intention.

This study adopts efficiency, fulfillment, system availability and
privacy in E-s-QUALs(Parasuraman et al., 2005) and response, information to evaluate E-service quality. Besides, this study adopts ability, benevolence and integrity from Mayer et al(1995) to evaluate trust. The result shows that e-service quality in group-buying website positively affects customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction positively affects repurchase intention. In addition, the study analyzes the impacts of demographic factors and type of product to other variables. The result shows that different demographic factors have significant differences in e-service quality, trust, satisfaction and repurchase intention, and
different types of product have significant differences in trust and
satisfaction. According to the results in this study, the research makes some suggestions to the group-buying website.
Appears in Collections:Thesis