Title: 驕傲效果與調節焦點的交互作用:對放縱式選擇的影響
The interaction between the effect of pride and regulatory focus: with regard to indulgent choice
Authors: 江佩芸
Jiang, Pei-Yun
Chang, Chia-Chi
Keywords: 驕傲、調節焦點、成就感、自我覺察、放縱式選擇;pride, regulatory focus, sense of achievement, self-awareness, indulgent choice
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 消費者的偏好是會改變的。尤其是在加入某些特定條件的時候,消費者可能容易去購買平時不會選擇的產品。這些特定條件藉由影響著消費者的情緒,促進不同的效果,進而增強或者減弱消費者的購買力。過去文獻指出,以驕傲感這一種的正面知覺情緒為例,在某些情況下,會大幅增加放縱式選擇,也就是玩樂性質(hedonic)產品的購買,可是,在另一方面,也有可能降低購買放縱式選擇的機率。因此,本篇研究延續探討驕傲感對於消費行為的影響,並且加入驕傲感形成原因,以及調節焦點理論的因素共同探討。調節焦點是控制個人導向獲得想要結果一種獨特的激勵系統,其可分為兩種系統,一種是促進焦點,追求最大化正面結果的發生。在一般情況下,促進焦點的人可能會選擇放縱式選擇,藉以得到愉快的經驗;而另一種是預防焦點,追求負面結果發生的最小化。預防焦點的人傾向選實用的產品,以避免多餘或不必要的花費。不同調節焦點的人,即使因為同一件事情成功而感到驕傲,若是導向不一致的效果時,最終將影響到不同的購買行為發生。本研究結果顯示,促進焦點的人會因為成功而產生驕傲感,此驕傲感會同時促進成就感,進而使受測者當中,選擇玩樂性質產品的人數增加。
The performances of consumers would be changed. Consumers may easily buy the products they rarely choose especially under the specific conditions. Under given conditions,when the positive emotion was induced, it would promote some different effect and then increase or decrease the opportunity of buying. The research has showed that ride is one kind of positive self-conscious emotions would increase the indulgent choices or decrease to buy the hedonic products. This study would discuss the effect of pride with regard to indulgent choices and connect with the pride and regulatory focus theory. There are two regulatory focus systems that motivated to desired outcomes. One is promotion focus, another is prevention focus. This study shows that when promotive individual is primed to authentic pride, individual would tend to promote a sense of achievement. Consumer would more likely to choose the hedonic products.
Appears in Collections:Thesis