Title: 開放式流程生產線多指標績效評量之共同權重分析
Assessing open flow shop production lines by a common set of weights
Authors: 張雅棉
Chang, Ya-Mien
Liu, Fuh-Hwa
Keywords: 資料包絡分析法;共同權重分析法;開放式流程;績效值排序;data envelopment analysis;common weights;open flow shop;ranking
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究在探討以開放式流程生產線的績效評比。而開放式流程就是對於每條生產線而言,其每項製程均有多項投入項目與產出項目,皆可由內部與外部所提供與需求。而封閉式流程則是全由製程內部所提供與需求。對於各中間的製程而言,由其上一製程之產出項目作為其投入項目,其產出項目為其下一製程之投入項目。我們已知各生產線在各製程中的全部投入與產出項目的值。工廠管理者欲求解在生產系統中各投入與產出項的權重值。這組權重使得各生產線的總效率值為最高。我們利用(The Most Compromising Weight Analysis, MCWA)方法做為求解的工具。根據所求得的投入與產出項目權重值,我們可求得整個生產製程的績效值,同時,各生產線總和的績效值以及它在各製程的績效值也分別可以計算出來。此計算結果將有助於生產線的優劣排序,做為選擇訂單時的依據。
This research is dealing with the assessment open flow shop production lines that their production processes are all arranged in a series. Open flow shop for all the processes of each production line, not only internal but also external of the production system provides a set of input items and demands a set of output items, respectively. But the close flow shop’s provides a set of input items and demands a set of output items all by the internal part. For each of intermediate production process, an additional set of input items are received from the output items of the immediate preceding production process directly. Similarly, it provides a set of output items to the next process. The values of all items on each production line processes are given. The plant management desire to have a common set of weights of all the input and output items so that the overall performance could be maximized. We employ the Most Compromised Weights Analysis (MCWA) method to solve the problem. According to the obtained common set of weights, one can compute the plant management efficiency. In addition, each production line’s overall efficiency and individual process efficiency also obtained. The solution is helpful to select the orders for each production line.
Appears in Collections:Thesis