Title: 輝瑞大藥廠與武田藥品工業經營模式分析
An Analysis of the Business Models of Pfizer and Takeda Pharmaceutical Companies
Authors: 鄭小滿
Cheng, Hsiao-Man
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Keywords: Hamel經營模式;製藥業;輝瑞大藥廠;武田藥品工業;Hamel Business Model;Pharmaceutical industry;Pfizer;Takeda
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文研製之目的在於藉由分析美國以及日本銷售量最高的製藥企業,探討成功的大型製藥企業經營模式是否有其相同或相異之處,並且在最後反觀台灣目前的製藥廠商,建議其可能可以採取的行動或是策略。有鑑於現在全球平均壽命越來越長,人口數越來越多,製藥產業日趨重要,市場在不斷成長當中,因此希望能透過本研究對於製藥先進國家大型製藥企業的分析,能夠為台灣發展中的製藥產業帶來一些貢獻。


The purpose of this thesis is analyzing the top selling American and Japanese pharmaceutical companies through Hamel’s business model, and discusses the differences between the two companies. And then giving some advises to Taiwan pharmaceutical industry to see what strategies and actions it may take. Pharmaceutical industry becomes more and more important because of the global average life and populations. Hoping this research about analyzing pharmaceutical companies of advanced countries can bring some contributions developed pharmaceutical industry of Taiwan.
Both Pfizer and Takeda face the biggest problem about off-patent of their blockbusters which would affect their sales seriously. They should increase their drugs and product lines to solve it. But research and developing new drugs need lots of time and money, so large pharmaceutical companies especially Pfizer use merger and acquisition at the same time to get new blockbusters. And Takeda also uses alliance to cooperate with other authorities. The biggest difference between the two companies is the degree of internationalization. Because of culture and ethnocentrism, Takeda contained self-sufficiency for a long time, and starts to expend aggressively in recent years. But Pfizer already expended to the whole world. And this is the main reason of the gap of the two companies’ scales. Besides, both of two companies pay much attention on quality control system and standard to their partners.
Reflect to Taiwan, the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan is still at developing stage, so the scale and technology are not good yet. Though it can’t use the business models of American and Japanese companies directly, it can learn some from that. This research gives advices from three aspects. The first is for internal company; the pharmaceutical companies can build control system and invest in researching. The second aspect is for partnership, and Taiwan can use alliance or OEM to increase our own strength. Finally aspect is entering to the emerging markets to get the niches or transforming to another field to obtaining funds.
Appears in Collections:Thesis