標題: 非法藥品對合法藥品銷售績效影響之研究
The Impact of Drug Piracy on Drug Sales
作者: 賴奎魁
Kuei-Kuei Lai
Shih-Chang Hung
Yu-Dih Shih
Chun-Yi Lee
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 創新藥品;創新擴散;非法藥品;製藥業;innovative pharmaceutical products;innovation diffusion;drug piracy;pharmaceutical industry
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 西藥產業的創新過程充滿不確定性,不僅需要投入大量資金與時間進行研發工作,研發的成果要成功商業化,更需要廠商準確的策略與努力,尤其科技的進步,一種成功上市的創新藥品,其化學成份很容易被解析,被製成偽藥。偽藥不但嚴重侵蝕廠商營運績效,偽藥更會造成人員的傷亡。本研究以擴散模式為理論基礎,探討創新藥品的擴散過程。而在模式中參數的求解過程,將非法藥品視同另一品牌,探討二個品牌在市場上交互影響、彼此間的競爭與替代狀況,估計非法藥品所造成的影響。本研究發現,「大眾媒體與口碑」是威而鋼在台灣藥品市場快速擴散的二個重要影響因素,而藥品公司之「行銷努力」反而是次要影響因素。本文同時探討參數的經濟意涵與策略意涵,建議廠商因應的策略。
The process of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry is full of uncertainty. It requires not only a great deal of capital and time for research but also accurate strategy and efforts to commercialize the R&D result. A newly developed and commercialized medicine is very easy to be duplicated by modem analytical technology into a counterfeit drug, which is detrimental to both the innovators' operational performance and the users' health. This research is conducted on the basis of ”Diffusion Theory” to explore the process of innovative pharmaceutical product diffusion. This study uses the sale of Viagra in Taiwan as an example and regards the illegal drug as the other brand and its case to compete, replace and interact with the originally developed medicine and estimates the impact of the counterfeit drug in the parameter model. This study has found that ”media” and ”word-of-mouth” are the key factor in the fast Viagra diffusion in the Taiwan pharmaceutical market while the marketing efforts are the secondary impact factor. In this paper, we also discuss the economic and strategic meaning of the parameter for the innovator's responding strategies to the counterfeit medicine.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/128952
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 141
結束頁: 170


  1. 200512141170.pdf

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