標題: 以交通承受量觀點探討基地開發應有強度
Site Development Intensity under Traffic Carrying Considerations
作者: 蘇純萱
Su, Tsun-Hsuan
Huang, Tai-Sheng
關鍵字: 交通承載量;停車需求;匝道容量;鄰近道路交通衝擊;基地開發強度;traffic carrying capacity;parking capacity;ramp capacity;capacity of nearby roads;base development intensity
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 有鑒於近年臺灣都會區域土地開發缺乏開發強度上限管制,本文擬借用環境承載量概念,以交通觀點檢視基地本身特性與資源條件限制,配合其衍生內外部需求,建立一套完整計算程序,求算基地於交通承載量下應有之最適開發強度。 本研究以停車乘載量、匝道進出承載量、鄰近道路承載量三者作為交通承載量衡量指標,將三者單位換算為樓地板面積並取限制最嚴者為最佳開發強度所應有總樓地板面積,並以構建計算程序與二則案例分析(住、商各一例),對交通承載量架構進行理論與實務上之計算與驗證。 以其結果論,三項重要影響要素以停車承載量對交通承載量下所得總樓地板面積影響最為輕微。唯計算所需資料取得不易,建議後續建立對應資料庫,以利相關研究進行。
Recently, development industry in Taiwan lack of the concept of land development intensity regulation. This article intends to borrow the concept of environmental carrying capacity into transportation, considering its internal and external demand in line with its derivative under the base’s own characteristics and resource constraints to establish a complete computing program. And then calculate the optimal developing scale. In this study, parking carrying capacity, ramp carrying capacity, and carrying capacity of the nearby roads are the three significant parameters of the calculating progress. Their data will be converted into floor area and those who take the most restrictive limitation of development intensity would be the optimal solution. And in order to see how the program works in reality and with different urban zoning regulation, we use the data from two case studies, which contains one case in residential area and another in business area. On the result, the parking carrying capacity affects the most minor in three important factors. Lacking of related data might cause the calculations inaccurate. To build a full data base of related data needed is suggested, in order to benefit further research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis