Title: 第三方策略介入綠色供應鏈下通路成員權力重整與關係品質管理
Power Reorientation and Relational Quality Management of Green Supply Chains under Third Party Strategic Intervention
Authors: 林珮如
Lin, Pei-Ju
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
Keywords: 通路權力重新定位;談判權;關係品質管理;綠色通路績效;Channel power reorientation;Bargaining power;Relationship quality management;Green channel performance
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在零售通路產業當中,上下游通路成員之間的合作與競爭一直存在著權力不平衡的狀態下,這樣的權力不平衡經常導致雙方成員間嚴重的衝突,同時也使得製造商與零售商之間在這樣的大環境下的合作與成長有所阻礙。但在資源缺乏且環保意識高漲的現今,政府與環保團體開始涉入此配銷通路,規範製造商必須負起回收作業的義務,這導致製造商已經不再是配銷通路中的強勢方,在這樣的大環境改變之下,在第三方涉入後製造商與零售商之間的合作變化相當值得去研究。
  而本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,建構一配銷通路關係的理論架構,主要以台灣消費型電子產業配銷通路之零售商為研究對象,並透過問卷調查法,且以LISREL 線性結構模式,進行探討該產業在第三方策略介入下,製造商所付出的關係投入與零售商所擁有的回收優勢對通路績效所產生的影響,並考慮模式中各變數之關係,且研擬通路成員合作策略,提供業界作為參考,以促進通路成員之合作關係有所貢獻。
This work presents an analytical model to investigate the effect of third party (e.g., government and green organizations) strategic intervention on green channel performance of a producer-retailer bidirectional distribution channel via the mediating effects of channel power reorientation and relationship quality management. Therein, the retailer is allocated with additional responsibility to collect used products for the producer for recycling and repairing. The proposed model is empirically tested using questionnaire survey data sampled from the producer-retailer distribution channels of consuming electronic product manufacturing industries. The results reveal that take-back legislation has significant effect on the retailer’s expectation of increase in bargaining power, leading to the increase in the retailer’s countervailing power. The utilization of relational investment strategies through relationship commitment as the key mediator determines permits not only alleviating the retailer’s countervailing power but also enhancing the bidirectional distribution channel performance. Relative to the bargaining power shift effect, relational investment strategies, appear to be more effective in promoting channel relationship commitment, thus leading to superior bidirectional channel performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis