標題: 產業變化信號分析─以電源管理IC為例
Analysis on Signals for Industry Change ─ The Case of Power Management IC
作者: 李佳蓉
Lee, Chia-Jung
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 破壞性創新;產品生命週期;動態價格彈性;電源管理IC;disruptive innovation;product life cycle;dynamics of price elasticity;power management IC
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來隨著節能減碳的綠色趨勢,以及對可攜式電子產品的大量需求,使得電源管理IC產業發展快速且重要性大幅提升。本研究延伸破壞性創新理論與產品生命週期理論之觀點,建構一套具體、可重複驗證的分析工具,以提出可明確辨識變化跡象或訊號的量化指標,同時利用台灣某IC通路商實際的交易買賣資料,選定其中最具代表性且成長快速的電壓調整器進行驗證,藉由分析產品間的互動與競爭關係,探究台灣電源管理IC產業變化,提供企業制定策略方向參考。 研究結果提出:(1)就直流轉直流切換式穩壓器(DC/DC PWM)與直流轉直流線性穩壓器(DC/DC LDO)而言,兩種品類之間並沒有顯著的替代或互補關係,顯示雖然DC/DC PWM的成長性較DC/DC LDO來得高,但是DC/DC LDO仍然有其優勢,因此不容易在短期內被DC/DC PWM所取代,但兩者傾向存在特定的替代或互補關係。(2)就直流轉直流互補式金氧半導體線性穩壓器(DC/DC CMOS LDO)與直流轉直流雙極性線性穩壓器(DC/DC Bipolar LDO)而言,兩種次分類產品之間並沒有顯著的替代或互補關係,但DC/DC CMOS LDO具有體積較小、效率較高的優勢,未來傾向對DC/DC Bipolar LDO產生明顯的替代效果。(3)就直流轉直流轉換器(DC/DC Converter)與直流轉直流控制器(DC/DC Controller)而言,DC/DC Converter對DC/DC Controller具有顯著的替代關係,反映電源管理IC逐漸朝向整合各功能元件以及縮小化封裝體積的趨勢,以及單一功能元件的需求萎縮危機。整體而言,未來台灣電源管理IC產業變化將朝向省電、高效率、小體積及散熱佳的電源管理IC元件發展,並以整合數種電源管理功能之組合設計為發展重心,此呼應目前環保節能以及可攜式電子產品需求暴增之市場趨勢。
In recent years, with the trend of green energy and the surging demand for portable electronic devices, power management IC industry develops rapidly and enhances its importance significantly. This study extends the disruptive innovation theory and the product life cycle theory to construct a set of specific and repeatable analytical tools, which provides the quantitative indicators to identify changing signal. Furthermore, an actual Taiwan IC distributor’s transactions database was analyzed, and the study focuses on the most representative and fast-growing product, which is voltage regulator. By analyzing the relationship between products, the study aims to explore the industry change of power management IC industry in Taiwan and provide a reference for corporate strategic planning. The results presented: (1) DC/DC PWM and DC/DC LDO have no significant substitutive or complementary relationship, which indicates that the DC/DC LDO still has its advantages, and it is not easy to be replaced by DC/DC PWM in the short term. (2) DC/DC CMOS LDO and DC/DC Bipolar LDO have no significant substitutive or complementary relationship, but with the smaller and more efficient advantages, the DC/DC CMOS LDO would produce significant substitution effect to DC/DC Bipolar LDO in the future. (3) DC/DC Converter has a significant substitutive relationship to DC/DC Controller, which reflects the trend of integration and packages minimizing, and the demanding crisis of single function devices. Overall, the industry change of power management IC industry in Taiwan would develop towards energy saving, high efficiency, small size, and integration of several power management features devices, which fitting the market trends nowadays.
Appears in Collections:Thesis