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dc.contributor.authorChen, Yen-Juen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Mei-Fangen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來世界各地的企業開始盛行以贊助大型活動的方式,獲得比過去傳統行銷方法更大的收益,例如世界盃足球賽便成為許多企業爭相贊助的活動;而台灣,近幾年來也出現一些國際性活動,例如本文採用的2011亞洲職棒大賽。鑒於企業贊助越來越盛行,本篇文章參考過去文獻架構,並檢驗「企業形象」在台灣市場是否能扮演運動涉入程度與購買意願之間的中介者;以網路問卷的方式,全台灣為抽樣對象,最後收回有效樣本為333份。 本文透過線性結構模式(SEM)進行分析,另以sobel test 探討「企業形象」扮演的中介角色;模型分成兩個部分,分別探討企業及三商美邦人壽贊助2011亞洲職棒大賽後能否帶來「企業形象」或是「購買意願」的改變。研究結果發現,在分別探討企業及三商美邦人壽時,「運動涉入程度」都能直接正向影響「企業形象」且「企業形象」也都能直接正向影響「購買意願」;然而在探討「運動涉入程度」對「購買意願」的影響時,在整體企業才有發現直接正向關係,三商美邦人壽卻無。 在以sobel test 檢視「企業形象」扮演的中介效果時,研究發現在對企業整體作探討時,「企業形象」能扮演「運動涉入程度」與「購買意願」之間部分中介的角色;而若單獨以三商美邦人壽做為探討對象時,「企業形象」能進一步扮演「運動涉入程度」與「購買意願」中間完全中介的角色。 本文最後,希望提供給企業在做贊助前的一個參考,企業須考量自身的產品特性並思考贊助時所付出的成本是否比獲得的利益小,進而可採行此方式增進「企業形象」及「購買意願」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, sponsorship has become popular among firms owing to its higher effectiveness to catch consumers’ eyes. For instance, the FIFA World Cup which is held every four year is now one of the targeted event firms would like to sponsor. Recently, Taiwan has more and more international occurrences that Taiwanese companies also attempt to sponsor mega events like Asia Series 2011, the event employed in this study to attain the benefits of sponsorship. Owing to the sponsorship prevail among Taiwan’s market evokes the motivation of this study. Consequently, this study refers to previous studies and measure whether “corporate image” can play a mediator between sports involvement and purchase intention. The data of questionnaire is collected from the Internet and is targeted at Taiwanese all over Taiwan. The valid sample is 333. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) is used to analyze the data and sobel test is employed to understand the mediator role of “corporate image”. The model proposed in this study is separated into two parts to estimate; namely, “corporate image” and “purchase intention” are assessed twice and are targeted at all sponsors and Mercuries Life Insurance, respectively. The results signify in both parts “sports involvement” can positively and directly influence “corporate image” and “corporate image” can positively and directly affect “purchase intention”. However, only when targeting at all sponsors, “sports involvement” can positively and directly impact “purchase intention”. Furthermore, the results of sobel test indicate “corporate image” can partially mediate the relationship between “sports involvement” and “purchase intention” when targeting at all sponsors; nonetheless, “corporate image” can fully mediate the relationship between “sports involvement” and “purchase intention” when targeting at Mercuries Life Insurance. In the end of the study, some suggestions are given.en_US
dc.subjectsports involvementen_US
dc.subjectcorporate imageen_US
dc.subjectpurchase intentionen_US
dc.titleDoes Sponsorship Work?-The Influence of Sports Involvement on Corporate Image and Purchase Intention of Sponsors' Productsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis