DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLien, Chia-Chien_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Fang-Taien_US
dc.description.abstract情緒勞務(emotion labor)概念由Hochschild(1983)提出,指創造公眾可見之面部與肢體展示之情感管理,且為工資而出售,因此具有交易價值。當組織要求工作者展現某些情緒規則,而與工作者內在或真實的感受產生衝突時,便會體驗到情緒失衡(emotional dissonance, Middleton, 1989)。情緒失衡對於員工在工作滿意度(job satisfaction)(Abraham, 1999b)以及情緒耗竭(emotional exhaustion)具有相當關聯性(Morris & Feldman, 1996, 1997; Abraham, 1999a)。 在情緒勞務採行情緒調節方式管控自我的內心狀態與行為表現,Hochschild(1983)認為表層演出(surface acting)以及深層演出(deep acting)可作為情緒勞務的表現策略,其與Gross(1998)的反應情緒調節策略(response-focused emotional regulation)的壓抑(suppression)與事前情緒調節策略(antecedent-focused emotional regulation)的重新評估(reappraisial)概念相當,因此本研究藉由結合大腦神經的研究,彙整出情緒勞務構面裡情緒失衡與情緒調節的神經傳導,結果發現情緒調節中重新評估的方式能有效降低情緒中樞杏仁核(amygdala)的活化,減低情緒失衡的狀態,但其作用的效果有時間上的落差。壓抑的方式能控制情緒勞務的表現,但卻無法改變杏仁核內在活化的狀態,因此也無法改善情緒失衡的狀態。而由於情緒失衡往往造成工作壓力上的焦慮感,所以處於壓力的狀態之下,大腦神經機制將使情緒調節造成的效果有限。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEmotional labor addressed by Hoschild (1983) suggested that the management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display, sold for a wage and therefore has exchange value. When the workers experience external- internal feelings of conflict, they will experience the emotional dissonance(Middleton, 1989). The concept of emotoin labor was issued by Hochshild, it represent emotional management which means to create the facial and body demonstration in public, and to sale for salary. Therefore it contains the value of trading. Emotionallabor (Hoschild, 1983), which can be sold for wages and hence has exchange value, is the management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display. When workers are asked by organization to follow some emotional rules which conflict with their internal feelings, they will experience emotional dissonance (Middleton, 1989). Emotional dissonance would result in emotional exhaustion (Morris & Feldman, 1996, 1997; Abraham, 1999a), and further have significant influences on job satisfaction (Abraham, 1999b). In general, emotional regulation solves problems between internal states and external behaviors. Hoschild (1983) suggested surface acting and deep acting as expression strategies, and these strategies were in accordance with suppression in response-focused emotional regulation and reappraisial in antecedent-focused emotional regulation that Gross(1998)proposed. This study links up with cognitive neuroscience to explain the nerve conduction in emotional dissonance and emotional regulation.The result showed that reappraisal may effectively down- regulate amygdala activation, reducing emotional dissonance. However, there is time lag in the effect of amygdala. Suppression can down- regulate the behavior of expression, but can’t reduce amygdale activation, that is , failure to solve emotional dissonance. Besides, emotional regulation may not work effectively under anxiety when people in emotional dissonance.en_US
dc.subjectemotional laboren_US
dc.subjectemotional dissonanceen_US
dc.subjectcognitive neuroscienceen_US
dc.titleThe way that emotional labor employees use to resolve emotional dissonance─link up with cognitive neuroscienceen_US


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