標題: 顧客對本土經營/台日合資百貨公司服務品質差距與顧客滿意度之研究分析
A Study on the Gap of Service Quality and Customer’s Satisfaction in Local/Joint Venture Department Store Industry
作者: 蕭偲伶
Hsiao, Szu-Ling
Chen, Quang-Hua
Tseng, Fang-Tai
關鍵字: 服務品質;滿意度;PZB缺口模式;service quality;customer satisfaction;PZB model
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著人民生活水準提高,消費者購買商品時,除了考慮產品的實體品質外,對無形的服務品質也愈來愈重視,服務品質也往往決定消費者是否感到滿意之重要依據。面對日趨競爭的零售業市場,百貨業為維持產業龍頭的地位,最好的方式是給與消費者真正需要的服務品質,再利用服務品質來提高消費者的滿意度。 本研究以台北市三大百貨公司之消費顧客為研究對象,應用Parasuraman、Zeithaml與Berry所提出的服務品質概念模式,探討顧客對於台北市三大百貨公司(新光三越百貨、遠東百貨與忠孝sogo)所提供的服務之期望與實際知覺的差距,並進一步了解顧客對服務的滿意度,期望藉由服務品質因素之改進,以提升服務品質來增加顧客之滿意度。 首先透過文獻探討的方式,說明百貨公司、服務品質及顧客滿意度相關文獻。採用Parasuraman,Zeithaml,Berry的服務品質模式,而服務品質五項構面為有形性、可靠性、回應性、保證性及關懷性,並採用Parasuraman, Zeithaml 及Berry (1994)三位學者所提出的SERVQUAL量表,經由問卷調查資料收集後,再利用SPSS軟體做統計分析,最後提出相關管理意涵與後續研究限制。 研究發現在服務品質各構面中,顧客期望的服務品質五大構面中期望最高為「可靠性」,最低為「關懷性」,顧客實際感受的服務品質五大構面中感受程度最高的是「有形性」,最低為「關懷性」,而顧客期望與實際感受服務品質構面差異程度最大為「反應性」,差距最小為「有形性」。 在問卷細項結果,顧客在「顧客遇到困難時能表現出關心並提供協助」、「該百貨公司員工態度友善」、「顧客能迅速從員工那□得到服務」這三個選項中,有最高的期望。在顧客知覺服務品質方面,顧客在「該百貨公司的信譽良好、值得信賴」、「該百貨公司的設施與所提供的服務相配合」、「該百貨公司服務人員服裝得體」這三個選項中,有最高的實際知覺。 研究結果顯示,顧客對百貨公司的服務品質的期望與實際感受存在顯著差異,而服務品質也與顧客滿意度存在顯著的相關性。
The purpose of this research is to analyze the gap between the actual and the perceived customer service quality and satisfaction level for local/joint venture department store industry. This research focuses on the department store customers in the Taipei area and examines the relationship between the five service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. This analysis will be used to improve service quality and ultimately, customer satisfaction. The research starts with a literature review that the five dimensions of service quality which are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Data collected by questionnaire survey and then through the SPSS statistical analysis to obtain the result for this study. Found in all dimensions, the dimension of tangibles gain the highest customer perception, and reliability dimensions gain the highest customer exceptions. The dimension of responsiveness has minimum gap between customer exception and customer perception. Demographic variables from the analysis, the customer service quality on the dimensions of the department store have a significant gap between expectations and perception. Furthermore, the dimensions of service quality and customer overall satisfaction correlated significantly in every items, department store should pay particular attention on quick respond what customer’s needs and understanding what they really want.
Appears in Collections:Thesis