標題: Facebook分享訊息:科技接受、知識分享動機及社會影響扮演的角色
Facebook Information Sharing:the Roles of Technology Acceptance, Knowledge Sharing and Social Influence
作者: 楊翔宇
Yang, Hsiang-Yu
楊 千
Yang, Chyan
Chin, Feng-Tien
關鍵字: 臉書;計畫性行為理論;科技接受模式;分享動機;社會影響;Facebook;TPB;TAM;Sharing motivation;Social influence
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 近年來,社交網站之用戶數量出現了戲劇性的增長,特別是Facebook;然而,很少有人發表和探討關於在社交網站的活動中,驅使人們分享信息的原因。基於計畫性行為理論的基礎上,本研究建立了一個模型,包括科技的接受程度、知識共享及社會影響。 從309個Facebook使用者的調查中發現,本研究的模型是強力被支持的。結果表明,知覺有趣性和知識共享(利他,信任和期望關係)與Facebook上分享信息的態度呈正相關,並佔69%的解釋變異量。 知覺易用性對知覺有用性呈正相關,佔55%的解釋變異量。社會互動和共享價值對社群認同呈正相關,佔76%的解釋變異量。 另一方面,社會因素(社會認同)和Facebook上分享信息的態度顯著影響Facebook使用者打算繼續在Facebook上分享信息的意圖。它們兩者對分享訊息意圖的解釋變異量有73%。
Recently, there has been a dramatic proliferation in the number of users on Social Networking Sites, especially Facebook ; however, little is published about what motivates people to share information in Social Networking Sites activities. Based on the theory of planed behavior, we developed a model involving technology acceptance, knowledge sharing and social influences. A survey of 309 Facebook participants found strong support for the model. The results indicated that enjoyment, and knowledge sharing (altruism, trust and expected relationships) were positively related to attitude toward sharing information on Facebook, and accounted for 69% of the variance. The ease of use were positively related to usefulness and accounted for 55% of the variance. The Social interaction and shared value were positively related to community identification and accounted for 76% of the variance. On the other hand, social factors (community identification) and attitude toward sharing information on Facebook significantly influenced a Facebook participant’s intention to continue to share information on Facebook. Together they explain 73% of the variance of intention to share information on Facebook.