Title: 探討Facebook粉絲專頁對消費者購買意願與再購意願之影響-以網路商店為例
The Effects of Facebook Fan Pages on Consumer’s Purchase and Repurchase Intention-A Case of Online Stores
Authors: 黃冠蓁
Huang, Kuan-Chen
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: Facebook;科技接受模式;網路口碑;購買意願;再購意願;Facebook;Technology Acceptance Model;Electronic Word-of-Mouth;Purchase Intention;Repurchase Intention
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 隨著近年來各種不同社群網站 (Social Network Sites, SNSs) 的崛起,人們的日常行為也被社群媒體上的內容所牽動著。網際網路的發展與蓬勃,以及智慧型手機與平板電腦的普及,使得資訊的流通變得更加的即時,且社群網站的應用也讓資訊的分享變得更具互動性。此外,在台灣,Facebook的每月活躍用戶高達1400萬人,高居亞太之冠。因此,本研究將探討使用Facebook粉絲專頁之意圖是否會對消費者的購買意願與再購意願造成影響。 本研究以科技接受模式 (The Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) 為基礎,建構出完整的研究模型,並透過網路來收集樣本資料,以Facebook會員為研究對象,共回收548份有效問卷。本研究運用結構方程模式 (Structural Equation Model, SEM) 進行有效樣本之驗證性因素分析與潛在變項路徑分析,依據分析之結果來驗證本研究假設是否成立,最後並歸納出研究之結論與貢獻。研究結果也顯示透過經營Facebook粉絲專頁的確能為品牌帶來正面之實質效益。
Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and maintain relationships. Among all the social network sites, Facebook is the most popular one in Taiwan. Besides, Facebook fan page has become a new platform of marketing. Because the boom in Internet and the popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs, the flow of information becomes more instant. And the applications of social network sites also make the information sharing more interactive. So, this study attempts to examine the effects that users’ intention of using fan pages on purchase and repurchase intention. This study constructs a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), electronic word-of-mouth, purchase intention and repurchase intention. Additionally, it applies structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the effective data collected from 548 Facebook members who filled out the questionnaire through Internet. The conclusions and strategic implications have further discussions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis