標題: 為醫院住民的設計
Design for hospital residents.
作者: 鍾張齡
Jong, Jang-Ling
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
關鍵字: 醫院設計;使用者經驗;壓力感受;電子病歷;KJ法;Hospital design;User experience;Perceived stress;Electronic medical records;KJ method
公開日期: 2011
摘要:   醫療技術日漸發達的現代,人們有更多的機會接受醫療服務。醫院的居住型態可比擬為旅館,甚至短期租借的公寓;對於醫院居住者(包含病患與家屬)而言,醫院的住院期間就像是病患的家。當居住空間、生活空間與醫療空間互相重疊產生交集時,居住的品質足以影響住民的身、心、靈狀態。然而,醫院與家在感受上的差異,以及許多陌生的設備,都會增加病患在住院期間對環境的不適應。   本研究鎖定綜合型醫院中住院的治療型態,對以醫院為家的居住者進行研究,並藉此研究了解住院病患與家屬的需求與不適應感。希望以正面的角度去思考,透過相關衣、食、住三個方面的設計,將病患心理的感受,從恐懼與不安變成舒適與快樂,以改善醫院住院環境,並提升居住品質。   本研究創作分兩階段進行:第一階段,先透過醫院實地觀察,了解目前存在於國內醫院的問題,再針對觀察所發現的問題,選定醫護人員、病患及家屬四個類別的對象進行訪談,藉由訪談得知所發現的問題是否確實存在及其嚴重性,最後將觀察與訪談的資料藉由KJ法進行分析,以獲得研究後的問題與設計歸結。第二階段,再從設計歸結中找出最後的設計方向,製作問題卡片將問題釐清,並蒐集設計方向的相關文獻並進行初步設計。初步設計確定後,製作使用情境與草模,進行初步設計評估訪談,讓使用者評價設計方向是否符合使用者需求,藉由此使用者參與的方式,將設計修正得更完整,以進行最終設計。   本研究創作最終設計由衣、食、住三個面向切入,共完成四個設計:在衣的部分,設計出便於病患下床移動的點滴服設計,與提高病患尊嚴的辨識手環。在食的部分,設計出提供病患選擇的點餐系統及介面。在住的部分,設計出提供醫護人員、病患及家屬溝通需求的病房秘書及其介面。作品最後透過展覽形式呈現,並在展出期間獲得熱烈回響。本研究創作從各設計面向切入住院環境,期許帶給醫護人員、病患及家屬,更全面的服務與設計。
Nowadays, with the rapid developing medial technology, people have greater opportunities to receive better health care service. To hospital residents, including patients and their families, the hospital is just like their home, which the living style in the hospital is similar to hotel or even short-term rental apartment. When living space and medical environment overlapping, the living quality could affect both residents’ mental and physical status. However, the difference feelings between hospital, home and many unfamiliar medical devices make patients uncomfortable and not adapted to the medical environment during hospitalization. This research is focusing on general hospital, people who living in hospital for treatment is our target user. We could understand and uncover patients’ and their families’ problems of the current medial environment through this research. The research results become positive design strategies in three aspects, including clothing, eating and living, which might turn patients’ feelings of fear and anxiety into comfort and happiness. The living quality of medical environment could also be improved. The research can be separated to two stages. In the first stage, field observation has been conducted to discover the current problems and needs in hospital. Then using the findings from the observation as a basis to interview various people involved in the hospital environment, including the medical crew, patients and their families to understand the severity and urgent of their problems and needs. All the data collected from the observations and interviews were categorized and analyzed into affinity diagram to provide design issues. In the second stage, several issues were selected as design directions, related literature and works were also reviewed. The determined design directions presented on the question cards to clarify the problems and bring up the initial design concepts. Prototypes and scenarios were used to present these concepts to the users as evaluation to modify and carry out the final design. There are four final design works which can be categorized into three aspects: clothing, eating and living. In clothing, intravenous drip clothes were provided to help patients moving around the hospital with the enhanced mobility. The Identification bracelets were also designed to improve patients’ dignity. In the eating way, a new ordering menu system was brought out to improve the food preparing and eating experience. In living, sick room secretary was delivered to facilitate a better communication among medical staffs, patients and their families. All the works in final design have exhibited in public which gathering many enthusiastic and positive feedbacks. Hoping that via using different and variety methods to investigate and design the medical environment, a warm and holistic medical service can be built for the medical crew, patients and their families to create the humane medical experience.


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