Title: | 鐵道紀念禮品:運載秘密的魅力物品 The Railway Souvenir Gift: An Attractive Vehicle for Conveying Secrets |
Authors: | 林俊全 Lin, Chun-Chuan 莊明振 鄧怡莘 Chuang, Ming-Chuen Deng, Yi-Shin 應用藝術研究所 |
Keywords: | 紀念品;送禮;鐵道旅行;評價構造法;數量化理論一類;Souvenir;Gift-giving;Railway Tourism;Evaluation Grid Method;Quantification Theory Type I |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 購買紀念品是旅行中重要的活動,且能帶動旅遊業收入並刺激經濟成長,因此紀念品具備發展的潛力。紀念品當作禮物送人作為主要的購買原因之一,值得探索。由於現有文獻很少在設計領域研究紀念禮品,因此,本研究藉由文獻回顧討論紀念禮品的意義以瞭解旅者、收禮者和紀念禮品間的關係;使用半結構式訪談調查旅者紀念品的送禮行為,以瞭解他們在鐵道旅行時對紀念禮品的潛在需求,並透過評價構造法,引導出紀念禮品的魅力因子;將評價結果製成網路問卷發放給年輕族群填寫,並使用數量化一類分析問卷,進而瞭解偏好(及情感因子)、型態項目、設計元素類目間的關係,最終建構出預測迴歸模型,提供設計師作為評估設計概念的參考。此外,並比較質性與量性的研究結果,提出設計建議與提示。
文獻探討後,紀念禮品的模型被提出以解釋紀念禮品的意涵,紀念禮品介於紀念品和禮品中間,紀念品由商品到暗含個人回憶的紀念物所構成,而禮品則是從商品至充滿個人辛勞的手作物皆有,膚淺的觀光客和深度旅行的旅者,以及挑選禮物給友情深淺不一的收禮者,對於這些紀念禮品購買與贈送有著不同的行為。數量化一類的分析結果指出「個人化」、「功能與用途」、「鐵道意象」、「尺寸」對於紀念禮品的偏好影響較深,「數量」、「當地特色」、「材質」次之,而「風格」的影響極小。紀念禮品設計的最佳組合為當特特色中的「貓」、鐵道意象中的「火車」、功能與用途中的「食物」、風格中的「復古懷舊」、材質中的「木質」、數量中的「內容豐富」、個人化中的「自行組裝加工」、尺寸中的「中型大小」。設計提示則建議紀念品應具備多樣性或系列性、可個人化、實用且可消耗、有趣且可愛、攜帶展示和收納時有變動的彈性、充滿代表性和紀念性。 Shopping souvenirs as an significant tourism activity generating tourism revenue and contributing to economic development indicates the potential of souvenir industry. Gift giving as an important reason for purchasing souvenirs for tourists thus needs to be studied. Since the existing literature has little understanding about souvenirs as gifts in the design domain, this research attempts to discuss the meaning of souvenir gifts to understand the relationship among tourist givers, recipients and souvenir gifts via literature review, investigate the tourists' souvenir gifting behavior to induce to their potential needs under the context of railway tourism via semi-structured interviews, and explore further the attractive factors of souvenir gifts through the Evaluation Grid Method. Questionnaires based on the results of the EGM were released on the internet for younger tourists. The analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through the Quantification Theory Type I to indicate the relationship among preference, or other emotional factors, morphological items and design elements, and further build up the predictive regression models as references for evaluating the design concepts. By Comparing the qualitative findings to the quantitative results, the design implications were proposed as well. After literature reviewing, a model was proposed to explain souvenir gifts as a continuum, located between souvenirs from commodities to mementos attached personal memories and gifts from commodities to handmade objects filled with personal efforts, reveal different meanings to superficial tourists and deep travellers as purchasers, and close friends and common acquaintances as recipients. The results of Quantification Theory Type I indicated "Personalization", "Function and Use", "Railway Images", and "Sizes" deeply affect the informants' preference of purchasing souvenirs as gifts. "Amount", "Local Features", and "Material" also partly influence preference. "Styles" only has little influence on preference. The best combination of design elements for preference is: "Cats", "Famous trains", "Food", "Nostalgia", "Wooden", "Rich content", "DIY", and "Middle size". The design implications suggested souvenir should be diversified and multiple or in a series, able to be personalized, practical and consumable, Interesting and cute, flexible for carry, display and storage, and representative and commemorable. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48143 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |