標題: 台灣傳統婚姻禮俗用品意象運用於現代產品之設計
Design of Appling Traditional Taiwanese Marriage Ceremony Implements’ Images in Modern Products
作者: 林佳穎
Lin, Chia-Ying
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
關鍵字: 婚姻禮俗;婚嫁器物;工業設計;Re-Design;Industrial design;Traditional Taiwanese wedding;Marriage ceremony implements
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 由於民國一百年的「百年結婚潮」,使得創作者開始對於婚禮的相關主題產生興趣。經過進一步的資料收集與整理後,發現在現代婚禮中,人們依然會使用婚姻禮俗用品,但它們的重要性已不如往昔,且在婚禮儀式結束後,這些物品往往被遺忘或直接丟棄,造成資源浪費。本創作試圖透過工業設計的思維,重新設計禮俗用品,提高人們使用與保存的意願,並了解禮俗的相關知識。 在創作初期,先進行文獻探討,收集相關資料。接著界定何謂生命禮俗,並定義其範圍,再針對婚姻禮俗,整理其歷史源流。並以中國古代婚禮的最基本形式—六禮為架構,闡明台灣傳統婚禮的步驟與流程,再簡單介紹現今台灣社會風行的婚禮形式;接著整理傳統婚禮過程中所使用的禮俗器物,以及收集相關主題之創作與量產商品,歸納其設計元素和特色,作為之後創作參考。 本創作選擇米篩、謝籃為進一步的設計方向,並嘗試以系統性的設計方法展開,先詳述創作發想的問題,進一步收集所需資料,分析舊有商品特色,並找出能與現代結合的元素,以手繪方式發想多個概念後,再予以收斂,接著以3D軟體與實際製作模型等方式,模擬修正細節,最後產出「桃花女的計謀」和「謝籃小桌」兩件作品。 設計的成品在2012年交通大學應用藝術所畢業聯展展出,得到指導老師與眾多參觀者的肯定與寶貴意見,加以歸納整理後,提出問題並加以修正。最後,將展覽中兩件作品的功能與外形整合為一整體,再加入以帶路雞為題的「金雞帶路」另一衍生設計,添加創作多樣性。最後總結創作過程面對的問題與挑戰,提出可能發展方向與建議,以供未來有意從事婚姻禮俗相關產品創作者的參考。
There are several steps in traditional Taiwan wedding, every family needs to prepare a lot of implements for various ceremonies in different steps. Nowadays in Taiwan, traditional ceremonies are simplified, so the importance of those implements decreases, people used to throw them away after the ceremonies end. This project tries to use industrial design methods to turn traditional implements into modern products. Users would be more willing to use and keep the re-design products, and gain more knowledge about traditional Taiwan marriage ceremonies. The project started from literature discussion in order to have basic understanding about traditional Taiwanese marriage ceremonies and their process, and gave a brief introduction of today’s Taiwanese wedding type. Based on historical background, I introduced the implements used in every marriage ceremony in sequence. Then collected design projects with related topics, and some modern products, tried to marshal their images and design elements as reference. I chose three common-use traditional Taiwanese marriage implements: rice sifter, basket, and chicken as further design topics. Started with several questions of these items’ function in wedding process, and tried to find some elements which can combine the ancient implements with modern products. The final design results were a wall lamp and a small desk. The results were exhibited in 2012 and had many feedbacks from audience and advisor afterwards. Focusing on the problems from feedbacks and attempting to improve some drawbacks, the previous two works combine to one product. To enrich the topic, there came another design result, which was application software for family asset. Last, I concluded some problems and challenges during design process of this project, then proposed some possible develop ways and opinions for those who are interested in marriage ceremonies.


  1. 251701.pdf

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