標題: 何侊倢多媒體作品發表會含輔助文件《此刻的幻象》原創作品與註釋
Guang-Jie Ho Multimedia Composition Recital With A Supporting Paper“Illusion Of The Moment”: An Original Composition With Commentary
作者: 何侊倢
Ho, Guang-Jie
Tung, Chao-Ming
關鍵字: 多媒體;新時代思想;生命藍圖;鋼琴;電子原音音樂;影像;肢體表演;multimedia;new age;blueprint for life;piano performance;electro-acoustic music;video;body performance
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 《此刻的幻象》為結合演奏、電子原音音樂、肢體表演、影像的多媒體舞臺表演作品,以新時代思想為背景來創作本作品,透過電子原音音樂、現場鋼琴演奏與肢體、影像、燈光等,表現由生到死之間的心靈歷程,傳達靈魂來到世間為人,經歷「肉體—生命」去完成了對此生課題的學習,圓滿了以後離去。舞台上每一項元素都有其象徵意義,鋼琴演奏代表對靈魂生命藍圖的提示。四聲道電子原音音樂象徵人生階段推移與經驗累加,影像投影提示、反應、呼應人面對的課題。肢體表演者代表進入「世界之內」來學習課題的靈魂,而反響板後方的鋼琴演奏者與工作人員、包含觀眾,則是「世界之外」的靈魂,助人按照生命藍圖學習課題。作品除了前導的〈來世〉與尾聲的〈離世〉以外,分為〈蒙昧〉、〈啟蒙〉、〈課題〉、〈磨難〉、〈成長〉、〈圓滿〉六段。〈課題〉段落有七個主題,每主題各有六個版本,依演出鋼琴家的喜好加以編排順序。 本論文說明創作動機以及概略介紹新時代思想,並說明鋼琴、電子原音音樂、場域、肢體、影像等各部分設計與創作手法。
Based on the concept of new age spiritual movement, The Illusion of the Moment is a multimedia sta¬¬¬ge performance combined with instrumental performance, electro-acoustic music, body performance and video presentation. It illustrates a spirit’s birth and death, the progress of its learning, experiencing, growing and fulfilling of life’s tasks as a human being, and its departure after everything comes full circle. Every element on the stage is a symbolism. The piano pieces represents the blueprint of the person’s life; the four-channel audio performance represents the forwarding of life stages and the accumulation of life experiences; the video projections serve as clues, echoes and reflections of the issue the person is facing. Body performer represents the spirit’s learning “in the world” while the piano player and the staffs behind the acoustic pannels, along with the audience, represent spirits that are outside the world, assisting the human to complete the tasks in accordance to the blue-print of life. This work is divided into six sequential parts named ‘Innocence’, ‘Enlighten-ment’, ‘Tasks’, ‘Suffering’, ‘Extrication’ and ‘full circle’. ‘Tasks’ includes seven themes with six variations respectively, and are arranged at the pianist’s preference. This thesis describes the motivation for creating The Illusion of the Moment , a brief introduction to new age spiritual movement, and the design process of the piano pieces, electro-acoustic music, stage, body performance and the video parts.


  1. 650801.pdf

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