標題: 台灣高等教育卓越政策積累性與正當性之探討
The Academic Excellence Policies in Taiwan: An Accumulation and Legitimation Perspective
作者: 王秀之
關鍵字: 高等教育卓越政策;積累性;正當性;academic excellence policy;accumulation;legitimation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著知識經濟時代的到來,各國無不投入培育優秀人才的行列,紛紛推出各樣的培育人才計畫。台灣也不例外,自1998年十二年項教改行動後,台灣也陸續推動相關的高等教育卓越政策,其中較受矚目的有2000年「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫」、2005年「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」,以及緊接在頂大計畫後的「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」。然而這些計畫實施期間並非如此順利,政府遇到了層層阻礙,如經費的分配、整體資源的限縮、非頂尖大學的反對、學術政治的形成、大學M型化的加劇、重研究輕教學等等的問題。本研究係利用理論分析法、文件分析法與歷史研究法。運用Claus Offe的國家系統循環理論,檢視台灣高等教育卓越化政策的發展脈絡,探討卓越計畫與經濟系統、社會文化(正當性)系統有何關聯性,並且政府在系統中所扮演的角色及其應對。
The thesis concentrates on the academic excellence policy in Taiwan. As the coming of knowledge-based economy, universities play an important role in creating and educating excellent human resource, so every state tried to carry out policies to promote the quality of universities. Taiwan also launched into the current trends. The government in Taiwan carried out academic excellence policies, especially Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities (PPAE), Aiming for the Top University and Elite Research Center Development Plan (MoE ATU plan), and Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities (PPTE). But when these plans were implemented, the government faced lots of problems, such as the arrangement of funds, the limit of overall resource, the opposition of non-top universities, forming academic politics, enlarging the levels between universities, placing much importence on research but little on teaching, etc. The thesis employs qualitative method to analyze the development of academic excellence policies in Taiwan. Claus Offe offered a system model that is useful to examine the relationship between systems of the state. Through this model we can understand the development of the academic excellence policies in economic system and social cultural (or legitimation) system, and the role of the government that react to the problems.
The research indicates that government has to consider the accumulation and legitimation in academic excellence policies. MoE ATU plan advanced the economy of Taiwan; PPTE offered another allowance for non-top universities, so the academic excellence policies in Taiwan conform to Offe’s model. And Habermas offered four crises that can remind government to notice any problem in the development of policies. The research suggests that government in Taiwan has to develop an appropriate examining mechanism, and not only supply certain colleges but promote whole quality of higher education. Last, the government has to form a complete set to deal any problem in order to honor the policies.