標題: 雲端服務視訊互助平台之互動影音服務之研究
The Study of Interactive Video Service for Video Based Cloud Remote Service Platform
作者: 林金昇
Lin, Jin-Sheng
Fu, Hsin-Chia
關鍵字: 視訊;影音;互動;互助;資料量控制;Video;Media;Interactive
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 雲端互助視訊服務平台是綜合應用影音串流與多媒體網路通訊等技術,讓遠距各地的人士無須長途旅行,能如同面對面的請教及回答疑難問題。在困難問題解決後,再將協助解決問題過程的影音資料利用在伺服器叢集(Server Cluster)來編輯及儲存,供更多的網友日後搜尋及參考。本平台擬建構三個伺服器分別處理(1)使用者介面和用戶資訊、(2)影音發佈和接收給其他使用者、(3)客戶端端間的訊息傳遞。 本論文著重在探討客戶端影音資訊如何產生和在不同使用者的電腦之間傳遞,設計一套連線結構能與平台的三伺服器溝通合作,與其他客戶端連接進行視訊互助活動。為了進一步方便及輔助使用者進入本平台進行互助視訊連線,以發展Browser/Server架構下的客戶端程式為主,建立影音伺服器與客戶端之間、客戶端與客戶端之間的通訊機制和影音串流的在客戶端與伺服器之間的傳輸結構。 另外,針對在不同的網路頻寬下,在客戶端設計一套演算法能夠偵測緩衝區使用量了解目前網路的擁塞情況,以調整發佈的串流資料量,使得客戶端能減少因頻寬不足而發生視訊不順暢、影音不同步等問題。 使用畫筆標誌功能,輔助互助視訊活動進行。活動結束,客戶端所有的影音串流、畫筆標誌、文字對話、關鍵圖片皆會留存下來,並且能在平台觀看這些記錄,這些合作經驗能給下一位有需要的人。 最後,設計多個測試去支持這些設計方法。
Video Based Cloud Remote Service Platform Integrated application streaming and multimedia networking of communications technology, people can ask and answer difficult problems as face to face on the platform. After solving difficult problems, the platform can collect problem-solving process and use a server cluster to edit and save for the future, then users search and reference. The platform construct three servers to process (1) user interface and user information, (2) publish and receive audio and video to other users, (3) multi client message transform. The paper focus on the client-side audio and video information ,how to generate and transfer between different user's computer. Design a connection structure with three-server, connect other clients to interactive video activities. For Convenience and assist users to enter the video platform, the paper focus on development client application based on the Browser / Server , establish communication mechanism between Media Server and client or between client and client, transfer architecture of Video-Audio Streaming .between Media Server and client . In addition, targeted at different network bandwidth, design a “Streaming Data Control Algorithm” can detect buffer utilization on the client, to understand the current network bandwidth. ,and control publishing streaming data size. Although, client can reduce problem such that video not occur smoothly, audio and video sync problem by lack of bandwidth. Use the “Brush Mark System”, assisted working with interactive video activities. End of the activities, all the streaming client, brush marks, chat dialogue, key picture will record in the data base of platform. After , users can view these records on the platform. These record can give the next person who needs. Finally, the paper design many test to support it.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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