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dc.description.abstract  在線上遊戲中,互動一向是玩家遊戲樂趣的來源之一,若遊戲不好玩則這遊 戲就無法在市場存活下去。在以互動為基礎的團隊對抗遊戲中,玩家是否能玩得 盡興,亦與能否遇上實力相當的對手息息相關。以往團隊對抗遊戲的配對系統皆 利用團隊中玩家的總積分,替此團隊安排總積分接近的對手。即便如此,依然可 以發現某些場次的遊戲時間過短,這代表一方的玩家很快的就被另一方擊敗了, 而這也可能是配對不平衡所造成的結果。   本研究利用團體動力學的理論,在玩家能力外加入了團體結構及溝通,並以 遊戲中的數據將此三樣因素數據化,以機器學習的方式計算三樣因素的比重,並 將其相加做為代表團隊能力的團體動力值,再藉其探討配對的平衡。研究結果顯 示,團體結構與溝通確實對團隊能力有影響,但仍以玩家能力的影響最大。當雙 方團隊的團體動力值大於一定的差異時,其平均遊戲時間會隨著差異的擴大而縮 短,且遊戲時間過短的場次比例也較高。在差異較小的情況下,其平均遊戲時間 與所有場次的平均時間接近,且隨著差異的減少,遊戲時間過短的場次比例也逐 漸下降。這說明了以團體動力值為配對依據,在平衡上有較好的效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe interaction between players is always one element of fun in online games. If a game is not fun to play, it will not sell in the marketplace. When players can have fun in the team competition games which are based on interaction between players, it is closely related to whether they can match with the same level opponents. A team will be matched with the opponents which have close scores by the match making system in team competition games in the past. Even so, we still can find out that the duration of game in some matches is too short, which means one team is defeated by the other very soon. This result may be caused by the actual strengths between two teams are unequal, in other words, we can call it unbalance matches We use the theory of group dynamics in this study, besides the players’ ability it also considers the group structure and communication, and we digitize these three elements with the data collected from the past games. Furthermore, we use previous data and machine learning to figure out the weights of these three elements, and combine them to become a group dynamic value, which represents the team’s ability, and then we discuss the balance of games based on the value. Regarding the findings of this study, although the group structure and communication would certainly affect team’s ability, the most important factor still depends on the players’ ability. The average duration of game will be shorter when there is an obvious gap between both teams, and the proportion of matches which the duration is too short is with higher percentage of such unbalanced values. On the contrary, the average duration of games with a smaller gap is close to the duration of all the matches. And the proportion of games with duration too short goes down gradually while the gap is decreasing. It explains that there is a better balance in game when matched according to the group dynamic value.en_US
dc.subjectOnline gamesen_US
dc.subjectTeam competitionen_US
dc.subjectGroup dynamicsen_US
dc.titleUsing Group Evaluation to Investigate the Balance of Match Making in Online Gamesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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