標題: 基於JAVA網路伺服器平台之效能監控議題研究與開發
The Study and Development of Monitoring Performance Topics over JAVA-based Web Servers
作者: 曾立夫
Tseng, Li-Fu
彭文孝, 謝筱齡
Wen-Hsiao Peng, Sheau-Ling Hsieh
關鍵字: 網頁伺服器, 效能;web server, performance
公開日期: 2010
摘要: Web相關應用的快速興起,對人們生活造成相當的大的影響力,越來越多的程式語言支援開發web相關的應用及平台。Web Container是其中一個最有代表性的伺服器,它可以處理JAVA相關的Web應用程式如JSP, SERVLET。然而因其使用人口規模日增及資源有限,伺服器的效能就會遇到瓶頸。如何在Web Container工作時偵測正在執行的應用程式之執行時間是不能不正視的問題。現今因為缺少一個可以測量出每一個JAVA相關Web應用程式執行時間的監控工具,因此有需要設計一套機制藉以及時的偵測和處理效能瓶頸的問題。 本論文提出一個有彈性的機制,Servlet Timer,它可以測量出JAVA相關Web應用程式的執行時間。Servlet Timer利用非侵入式方法和市面上各公司所提出不同的Web Container做整合。此外它可以偵測出伺服器在處理各個現實使用者所提出應用需求的執行時間,這個機制不只能在模擬的環境下工作,也能在現實的環境下工作。因此對廣大的JAVA相關Web應用程式之管理者和程式開發人員可以利用較低的成本去找出伺服器上效能瓶頸的問題癥結點。
Due to the rapid proliferation of web-based application usages, the usages have created substantial impacts on our daily life. There are many programming languages existed to support developing web-based platforms. One of the most fruitful web-based platforms is web container which processes JAVA-based web applications, known as Java Server Page and Servlet. As a number of users grow in scale, having fixed server resources, the server performance can be degraded. How to detect the bottleneck of applications running on containers seems to be a critical problem. Nowadays, lack of tool to measure the execution time of each task, therefore, there is necessary to design a mechanism being able to diagnose as well as handle the bottleneck problems promptly. The thesis attempts to provide a flexible mechanism, i.e., Servlet Timer, to measure the JAVA-based web applications execution time. The Servlet Timer integrates with various JAVA-based web servers, and it is non-invasive to the servers. Furthermore, it can function under run time to deal with real requests instead of in a simulated scenario. Therefore, the JAVA-based web managers and programmers will be able to discover the performance problems at lower costs.