標題: 跨國企業併購之創新績效研究 以Alcatel-Lucent及Bell Labs為例
The Innovation Synergies of Cross-border M&As, A Case Study on Alcatel-Lucent and the Bell Labs after the Merger of Alcatel and Lucent
作者: 曾祥峻
Tseng, Jeans H.
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 開放式創新;資本報酬率;併購後整合;綜效;併購;電信融合服務;Open Innovation;Return on Invested Capital;Post-Merger-Integration;Synergy Effects;Mergers and Acquisitions;Converge Service
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 摘要       企業收購、合併與再造工程已經成為現今企業財務運作的重要活動之ㄧ,華爾街的投資銀行家每天都在安排或協助企業進行收購、合併交易;透過併購交易,結合兩家公司的所有資產、負債整合後變成ㄧ家更大的公司。 通常我們會用企業合併後整體企業價值或所謂綜效(Synergy)有沒有增加來評斷該項併購交易是否成功,其中主要的依據包括:營收是否提高?成本是否降低? 本研究將用以下三部份探討企業的跨國併購案: 1. 企業跨國併購的挑戰與效益探討 2. 個案研究:從產業大環境改變到進行跨國併購的動機、挑戰與效益之評估 3. 研究機構建立「開放式創新」模式-以Alcatel-Lucent 倂購案及Bell Labs為案例, 探討在研發部門的創新績效 研究個案企業在2006年間的跨國併購案,發現成功的跨國併購具有三項要素: 1.提高合併過程的決策與溝通的透明度,是促成員工願意改變最重要的關鍵,也是穩 定客戶信心的最佳手段。 2.時間是成功的關鍵,要掌握併購整合的黃金ㄧ百日。“Delay Kills Deals!”企業 併購或合併的時機點也非常重要,在客戶、市場情勢改變的初期是併購的好時機。 3.迅速修正錯誤。 第3個部分關於實踐「開放式創新」的議題,則以訪談方式觀察貝爾實驗室在Alcatel併購Lucent後的轉變,並以「開放式創新」的觀點來探討Alcatel及Lucent合併後(2006-2010),Bell Labs在研發策略、定位與方向改變,探討在如何在研發部門<增進創新績效>?並驗證了「開放式創新」的經營模式有助企業連結外部環境之資源、減少R&D費用、增加創新的產出以及開啟新的市場,達到<增進創新績效>的目標。
ABSTRACT Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and corporate restructuring are a big part of the corporate finance activities. Every day, Wall Street investment bankers arrange M&A transactions for corporate, which bring separate companies together to form larger ones. A corporate merger is the combination of the assets and the liabilities of the two firms to form a single business entity. The success of a merger is usually measured by whether the value of the acquiring firm is enhanced by it. Synergy takes the form of revenue enhancement and cost savings. There are both external and internal challenges for a cross-border M&A, while we will investigate both in the Alcatel-Lucent merger. “Open Innovation” have broken innovation boundary of business today. For the 85 years of Bell Labs, the Innovation can now come from external world-outside the US. This Research will use both the views from insider and outsider of the company to have a close study on the merger.


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