標題: LED光電設備製造業之成長發展與瓶頸探討
A Study of Bottleneck and Growth Strategy of LED Equipment Manufacturing
作者: 曾廣輝
Tseng, Kuang-Hui
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: LED光電業;設備商;成長策略;LED;Equipment Manufacturing;Growth Strategy
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 國內LED光電業已在國際上形成一個有強大競爭力的產業鏈,從上游到下游已有非常完整的聚落,但是這中間有非常多的製程設備還是需要仰賴進口,所以有很多的設備製造商想要打入設備供應鏈。但是這麼多年國內的設備商還是只有一家在LED 後段的分類及測試機器有被業界認可而且成績斐然。本研究採用個案分析法及SWOT分析來嘗試探討個案設備製造商的成長發展歷程及能夠成功的關鍵因素為何?提出如下的結論:第一階段時期: (1)公司有堅強的研發團隊。(2)時機正確。(3)員工的向心力高。(4)領導人的『堅持』。(5)專業經理人管理公司 (6)策略性股東的加入。第二階段時期: (1)建立了良好的生產管理系統。(2)好的產品。(3)專心經營本業,並把產品做到最好。成長時期: (1)品牌 (2)資金及技術基礎可以渡過危機。 (3)不斷的降低成本(Cost Down)及提升產品競爭力。最後再利用麥可波特提出的新論競爭五力分析來做產業競爭環境分析確實看出此企業真的在產業界有很好的競爭優勢。
Domestic LED industry has formed a powerful industry chain worldwide with vigorous development. Although the development of industry chain in Taiwan is well-integrated, most of the manufacturing equipment in between still relies on foreign manufacturer. Many domestic equipment manufacturers strive to take the opportunity to enhance the main equipment manufacturer position but only W Company succeeded and became an outstanding LED back-end manufacturer in Taiwan. In this paper, we divided the growth experience of W company into three stages with the attempt to figure out the key success factors of each stage. We realized that the success factors are as follows. Stage 1: remarkable Research and Development team, right timing, solid employee cohesion, robust leadership, professional manager and participation of shareholders. Stage 2:superior production management mechanism, excellent product and focus. Stage 3:branding, sufficient funds and exceptional technology, continuously cost-down and product improvement. In conclusion, we discovered that W company indeed consolidates a place in the industry by using Michael Porter's five forces model.