標題: 兩岸簽訂MOU及ECFA後本國銀行西進中國市場之策略分析
The Analysis of Taiwanese Banking Penetration Strategy into China after Signing the Cross-strait MOU and ECFA
作者: 戴義烜
關鍵字: MOU;兩岸金融;銀行西進策略;ECFA;MOU;Cross-Strait Finance;Banking Penetration Strategy into China;ECFA
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在過去台灣經濟發展的過程中,金融業始終扮演著支持產業成長的重要角色。而隨著中國經濟開放及全球產業分工之趨勢,台灣許多產業紛紛於中國投資,然而,過去礙於政治因素,金融業遲遲無法跟隨台商西進以提供資金協助與金融服務,不僅影響了台商競爭力的提升,也使台灣金融業只能侷限於台灣島內坐困愁城,在激烈的價格競爭以及僅能追逐在台灣的有限客戶與業務下,競爭力日益滑落。然而,隨著兩岸金融MOU及ECFA分別於於2009年11月16日及2010年6月29日簽訂,使台資銀行獲得一線曙光,各銀行無不摩拳擦掌,搶進大陸市場。 本研究主要透過相關文獻蒐集及各項統計資料,另配合深層訪談及問卷調查方式,了解兩岸金融產業及台商融資現況,剖析中國大陸目前之金融環境及對外資銀行進入之相關法令限制,並觀察外資銀行在中國的發展過程、現況與經驗,分析外資銀行進軍中國大陸之策略模式,最後針對台資銀行西進大陸時應採行之模式及策略提出建議,以期能對國內金融業者有所助益。 本研究認為現階段西進大陸市場應以現行兩岸允許之法令架構為範疇,並以台資銀行的個別競爭優勢特質為考量,以透過設立分、子行及入股中國大陸當地銀行之方式,而初期業務策略應聚焦在熟悉之核心台商客戶區塊及核心之企金商品,待逐步站穩中國金融市場後,進一步尋找出其他獲利之利基。
In the past decades during the economic development in Taiwan, the financial industry has been playing an important role of sustaining the growth of the industry. Along with the trend of economical openness of China and division of labor of global industries, there are many kinds of industry and companies continuously go to China and invest in it. However, due to the political issues, the financial institutions cannot provide in-time services on both the fund assistance and financial services, this not only decreases Taiwan’s firms’ competitiveness and blocks the growth of industries, but also let the financial institutions in Taiwan can only struggle within the situation. Their competitiveness decreases gradually with severe competitive selling among limited customers and services. Nevertheless, with the cross-strait Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) have been signed on November 16, 2009 and June 29, 2010 separately, which give the domestic institutions a delight to get into Chinese market, and offer Taiwanese banks seeking more favorable strategic position in Mainland China. This study makes use of literature review and many kinds of statistics, comprising adequate questionnaires and interviews with experts in banking systems to be aware of the current situation on cross- strait financing. It also shows the financial environment and regulations for the incoming foreign banks. Through observations of the developing experiences of foreign banks in China, the study tries to analyze the expansion model and principles of them. In the end, it suggests the format and the tactics for the business penetration strategy into Chinese financial market. In conclusion, the study states that the banking penetration strategy into Chinese financial market should base on the cross-strait national regulations, and put local banks’ individual competitiveness into considerations. Through establishing branches, subsidiaries and investing in Chinese local banks. In the beginning, the strategy is to focus on the corporate financing on Taiwanese firms. When there is a solid base, it will create and advance to a higher level of profitable niche.
Appears in Collections:Thesis