Title: | 太陽能產業業者競爭優勢分析研究--以G公司為例 A Study on Competitive Advantage Analysis for Solar Cell Company-- The Case study for G Company |
Authors: | 吳志傑 Wu, Chih-Chieh 陳光華 Chen, Quang-Hua 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | SWOT 分析;太陽能電池;競爭策略分析;SWOT;PV;Solar Cell;Competitive Advantage Analysis |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 自2003年起,太陽能產業因為環保及CO2減排議題,在台灣及全球開始蓬勃發展並高速成長。尤其在今天,太陽能電池更是變成台灣政府及企業重點發展的新興市場。過去十年間,台灣各企業也不斷評估並尋找適合該公司切入此一產業價值鏈的最適位置,進而提升公司的獲利及永續經營.因此,科學的分析方法來協助企業辨識其在此一機會中的優劣勢,將成為關鍵決策時的最佳工具,這甚至可能會決定此新事業或新產品成功與否的關鍵。
在許多個案研究中,常運用競爭優勢分析,如麥可波特五力分析、SWOP、Boston Consulting Group 發展的BCG 矩陣分析等方式,對研究個案來探討其競爭優勢。本研究即是嘗試利用Weihrich’的SWOT分析方法,來發現個案G公司的競爭優勢,以期將結果提供給該公司的決策高層作為參考。 Solar cell industry still highly grows in Taiwan and world-wide since 2003, because the issue of global environment and CO2 reduction. Today, solar cell became a very import emerging market for government and enterprise of Taiwan. So many companies, in Taiwan, evaluated which position of PV industry value chain would be more suitable for them to invest during last 10 years. Therefore, the science analysis to identify those enterprises’ advantages and weaknesses in this chance was the best tool for the decision making, and that will determine the success of new business or products. The “Competitive Advantage analysis”, like 5 force analysis, SWOT, BCG Matrix, is wildly applied to case study in many researches. By Weihrich’s SWOT, we tried to dicover the major competitive advantages of case company G, and provide the result and conclusion for their decision makers for reference. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48543 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |