Title: 半導體晶圓生產設備供應商於台灣DRAM產業中之競爭策略研究-以T公司為例
A Study on the Competitive Strategies of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Vendors in Taiwan’s DRAM industry - An Example of T Company
Authors: 胡紹中
Hu, Shao-Chung
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 動態隨機存取記憶體(DRAM);半導體晶圓生產設備供應商;SWOT;競爭優勢;DRAM;Semiconductor manufacturing equipment vendor;SWOT;Competitive advantages
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: DRAM產業自1970年於Intel發明以來,即成為電腦裡不可或缺之關鍵性零組件,因此也吸引世界各國之半導體晶圓廠投入生產。然而隨著製程技術快速演進, DRAM產能倍增而需求無法同步提升,因而導致DRAM價格快速崩跌,使DRAM晶圓製造商常處於虧損狀態。台灣DRAM廠由於缺乏技術自主,在目前的全球產業結構裡,只能扮演聯盟或是代工的角色。在景氣好的時候還可以小賺一筆,在景氣不好時則難免虧損一途。其主要原因為每年必需攤提百億台幣建廠費用,而且也必須支付為數可觀之技術授權費用。所以台灣DRAM晶圓製造商則必須藉由更低的建廠成本及更高的生產效率,才能在市場裡求生存。而在這種情況下,半導體晶圓生產設備供應商必須面對台灣DRAM晶圓廠持續降價之要求,而且又須面對此廣大市場之激烈競爭,必須制定良好之競爭策略,才能在客戶降價之要求及公司獲利之間尋求最佳平衡。 本研究係以半導體晶圓設備供應商為研究對象,採取個案研究法進行深度訪談,依據SWOT分析並輔以情境分析及企業內部環境評量進行研究分析。期待找出外部環境的機會與威脅及內部環境的優勢與劣勢,提供個案公司制定競爭策略時之參考。
DRAM has become the important key component in computer since it was invented at Intel, 1970. It attracts worldwide semiconductor manufacturing fab to produce it. Due to the process technology shrink rapidly, the DRAM production capacity doubles fast but the needs cannot catch up with the supplies, therefore the DRAM price drop down sharply and causes the manufacturing fab in deficit quite often. Taiwan DRAM manufacturers can only play a role of allies or foundry for the other mother company because lack of self-developed technology. In the good times, Taiwan DRAM manufacturers can make money, but they lose money in bad times. The main reason for that is the huge amortization of the fab fix assets depreciation and the loyalty for the mother company. So Taiwan DRAM manufacturers only can survive by lower fab construction cost and higher production efficiency. Under this situation, the semiconductor manufacturing equipment vendors have to face the price down request from Taiwan DRAM companies and the severe in this market. They must setup good competitive strategies in order to balance the price down request and the company profit. This research studies on the semiconductor wafer manufacturing equipment vendor, uses case study and in-depth interview, to study and analyze according to SWOT analysis, environmental analysis and the corporate internal environment evaluation. We expect to find the outer environment opportunities and threats and the inner environment strength and weakness and can provide it to the case company for reference when they setup the corporate competitive strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis