標題: 男性臉部護膚保養品消費行為研究
The Consumer Behavior Research for Male Facial Health Care Products
作者: 饒岩剛
Raw, Yen-Kang
Chen, Shu-Kuang
關鍵字: 男性臉部護膚保養品;消費行為;購買行為的偏好;購買的動機;購買時的資訊及獲取管道;購買時的考慮因素;Male Facial Health Care Products;Consumer behaivor;Purchase preference;Purchase Motivation;purchase informatuon and access channel;The consideraion factors of purchase
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本篇論文的研究是以研究男性臉部護膚保養品的消費者行為探討. 總共分成以下幾個章節: 緒論、文獻探討、研究方法、資料統計、資料分析、結論與建議。研究動機是以了解台灣男性對於男性臉部護膚產品的偏好,購買特點及其相關購買決策影響因素;同時藉由市調的研究,找出潛在需求的目標族群,並做為產品上市之行銷與銷售的參考指標。 研究方法是以抽樣方法,本研究消費母體以台北 新竹為主要對象,樣本選擇採便利抽樣方式。問卷設計分成五大部分: 第一部份: 探討消費者對於購買行為的偏好,第二部份: 探討消費者對於購買的動機,第三部份: 探討消費者購買時的資訊及獲取管道,第四部份: 探討消費者購買時的考慮因素,第五部份: 探討本次研究受訪的消費者的人口統計變數 。而資料分析方法:本研究採用敘述性統計分析的資料分析方法,所使用到的統計方法包括:一、次數分配(Frequency Distribution) 二、變異數分析(ANOVA,Analysis Of Variance)。結論可以看出: 購買項目:以洗面乳為主,職業、年紀與年收入有顯著差異。購買通路:以量販超市為主,職業有顯著差異。購買金額:以五百以下為主,職業、年紀與年收入有顯著差異。購買頻率:以2~3 次為大宗。促銷活動偏好:以現場折扣為主。購買動機:以清潔肌膚為大宗,性向、職業、年紀與年收入有顯著差異。獲取資訊管道:專櫃/ 賣場通路為主。品牌偏好:日韓品牌為主。獲取管道:自己選購為主。產品屬性:產品品質為主。
This thesis research is to study the consumer behavior research for male facial health care products. This paper is divided into the following sections: Introduction, literature review, research methods, statistics, data analysis, conclusions and recommendations. The research motivation is to understand Taiwan's male facial skin care products- preferences, purchase characteristics and factors related to purchase decision. According to the study by market research, we can identify potential demand for the target groups, and take it as reference for product marketing and saling. The research method is based on sampling methods. This study sampling parent substance focuses on Taipei & Hsinchu. The sample selection uses convenience sampling. The design of the questionnaire is divided into five parts: Part I: buying behavior of consumers preferences, the second part: the motivation of consumers to buy, and the third part: the purchase information and access channel; the fourth part: the consideration of factors that consumers purchase, the fifth part: to study population statistic variable. The data analysis methods : The study uses descriptive statistical analysis and the data analysis methods. The statistical methods are : 1. Frequency Distribution; 2. ANOVA,Analysis Of Variance According to the conclusions: 1. Purchases: the Washing product is the majority; occupation, age and annual income are significantly different. 2. Buy pathway: the supermarket-based is the majority; there are significant differences in career. 3. Purchase amount: below five hundred is the majority; occupation, age and annual income are significantly different. 4. Buy Frequency: 2 ~ 3 times is the majority. 5. Promotion preference: discount is the the majority. 6. Purchase motivations: to clean the skin is the majority; sexual orientation, occupation, age and annual income are significantly different. 7. Access to information channels: counter / store access based. 8. Brand preference: Japan and South Korea brands is the majority. 9. Access channels: self-purchase is the majority. 10. Product Attributes: product quality is the majority.


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