Title: 企業資訊策略與企業發展之研究─以 DRAM 產業P 公司為例
A Study of Information Strategy and Enterprise Development - Using P Company in DRAM Industry as an Example
Authors: 邵文泰
Shao, Wen-Tai
Yang, Chyan
Wang, Yau-de
Keywords: 資訊策略;企業策略;競爭優勢;資訊系統規劃;Business Strategy;Information Strategy;Competitive Advantage;Information System Planning
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究採用定性分析的個案研究方法來進行歸納,並藉由文獻探討、各式資 料蒐集及深度訪談個案公司之高階管理者。在本研究中探討該公司如何在公司發 展的過程中,如何以現有的資源及自身的優劣勢,在大環境下發展與調整。而資 訊單位在公司發展的各個時期中,又是採用了何種的資訊策略來配合公司的經營 策略及達成了什麼樣的績效。其中在訪談資訊決策主管中,更進一步瞭解其策略 制定的過程與思維,並探討其策略在制定執行後,其結果是否能為企業帶來更好 的績效或是提昇公司的競爭力。最後,再依據企業內多年的發展與累積的能力, 搭配其軟性、硬性資源,及未來企業願景及方向,做一分析彙總,進而發展論文 命題。 論文命題發展如下: 命題一、資訊策略必須以公司經營策略為指導原則,並 隨時調校。命題二、因應公司經營策略所發展之資訊策略之執行成果,能因應環 境變化、提昇公司獲利或減少公司支出。命題三、資訊策略應提供公司永續發展 之資訊決策支援與資訊發展。 本研究發現,個案公司之資訊策略與經營策略相呼應,所以在大環境好時, 可加速提昇公司獲利,在大環境不好時,亦能藉由資訊系統協助公司減少不必要 的支出。但是對於公司永續經營方面,資訊策略應加強於如何協助公司增加其核 心競爭力發展,以達到最大化獲利之營運模式。
This research adopts inductive method with a case study through literature review, company information collections, and interview with top managers of case company. This study focuses on how the company, in the developing process, develops and adjusts its management and operation by using its available resources. Meanwhile, accompany with the company’s each developing step, the study also observes and records that how the information technology department applies different IT policies and reachs what kind of performances. Moreover, according to the interview with IT top manager, this study realizes that business process and IT policies will influence the company’s operational efficiency and performance. Lastly, the conclusion is based on the company’s abounding experience and ability, collocating with software, hardware resources and the Company’s vision. The study proposes three propositions: (1) the guidance of IT strategy is company’s management strategy, and such IT strategy shall be adjusted from time to time accompanying with company’s strategy. (2)The performances of IT strategy can be accommodated with the changed situation, enhanced the profit of company, and reduced expenses. (3) IT strategy shall provide the company a sustainable development support of IT strategy. The IT strategy of case is following with business strategy. In highly profitable duration, IT strategy can accelerate company’s profit. In contrast, when company in great lost, IT strategy must reduce non-necessary expenses to preserve more resource for survival. As to the company’s sustainable development, IT strategy shall improve company’s competitive advantage and profitable operation model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis