標題: 個人與組織契合和工作滿足及組織承諾:心理契約實現、性別及職位的調節作用
Person-Organization Fit, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment:The Moderating Effects of Psychological Contract Fulfillment, Gender, and Job Position
作者: 彭筱雯
Peng, Hsiao-Wen
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 個人與組織契合;心理契約實現;工作滿足;組織承諾;性别;職位;Person-organization Fit;Job Satisfaction;Organizational Commitment;Psychological Contract Fulfillment;Gender;Job Position
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究目的在於探討個人與組織契合和工作滿足及組織承諾的關係,以及心理契約實現、性別和職位對個人與組織契合和工作滿足及組織承諾間關係的調節作用,期盼研究結果能做為企業在選才和調整或制定有效的管理制度時的參考。 因此,本研究的對象為台灣各行各業的員工,採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,發出300份問卷,收回246份,回收率達82%;扣除18份無效問卷後,共得228份有效問卷。資料分析以階層迴歸法檢驗本研究假說,發現1.員工個人與組織契合與工作滿足及組織承諾均有顯著正向關係;2.而心理契約實現對於個人與組織契合和工作滿足及組織承諾間的關係具有顯著正向調節作用;3.性別對於個人與組織契合和工作滿足及組織承諾間的關係具有顯著負向調節作用。
The purpose of this research was to explore the relationships between employee’s person-organization fit and his or her job satisfaction and organizational commitment and how psychological contract fulfillment, gender, and job position will moderate the above relationships. We hoped that the findings of this study could provide guidelines for assisting companies to select and hire right people who can fit better with their organizations and to adapt management systems to improve employee’s person-organization fit. We sampled employees from all walks of lives in Taiwan as subjects of investigation and collected data by questionnaire survey. Three hundred questionnaires were sent out and two hundred and forty-six questionnaires were returned with a return rate of 82%. After excluding eighteen invalid responses, the final sample included two hundred and twenty-eight valid questionnaires. We used hierarchical regression method to test our hypotheses and found that employee’s person-organization fit had a significant positive relationship with both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. We also found that psychological contract fulfillment significantly strengthened the relationships between person-organization fit, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. In addition, gender also had a moderating effect on the relationships. In female employees, the relationships were stronger than those of male employees.