標題: Apple 『iPad 相類產品』之消費行為研究
The Consumer Behavior Research on Apple iPad-Related Products
作者: 賽逸凡
Chen, Shu Kuang
關鍵字: 消費者行為研究;Apple iPad;Consumer Behavior
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究針對台灣地區,使用過iPad相關產品的消費者,想了解現使用者對於iPad相關產品的品牌偏好以及對於這個產品在消費者在使用前後是否有行為上的改變,也想藉由此研究了解消費者對於此產品的使用功能偏好,或者是否有建議增加的功能。
本研究中所謂的Apple iPad相關產品是指目前已在台灣上市” Apple iPad, Samsuang 的Galaxy, HTC 的Flyer, ViewSonic 的View Pad, Acer 的ICONIA”.


研究結果發現,Apple iPad相關產品消費者透過生活型態變數,在消費者使用偏好與消費者購後行為上有顯著差異。
The research focus on the people who have experience to use Apple iPad related products. Through the investigation result to identify the preference of consumer behavior, also it may bring out the purchase behavior when the purchasing items before and after.

The Apple iPad related products have been target as below items, which are selling into Taiwan market.
Apple iPad, Samsuang Galaxy, HTC Flyer, ViewSonic View Pad, and Acer ICONIA

The research investigation carries on by the network questionnaire, received questionnaires are 253, the statistical way with confirms between various variables by the Chi- square examination correlational.

The findings discovered that the consumers behaver have difference after used Apple iPad related product by life state variable.


  1. 253901.pdf

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