標題: 太陽能電池產業最適訂單配置與投產組合之研究
A study for optimizing order allocation and product input mix for the solar cell industry
作者: 李君華
關鍵字: 太陽能產業供應鏈;跌價損失;線性規劃;訂單配置;投產組合;solar cell industry supply chain;inventory value loss;linear programming;order allocation;product input mix
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 隨著太陽能產業的蓬勃發展及不斷增加的市場需求,進入門檻低的條件下,不斷的有資本投資於此,但由於2011年Q2開始爆發的歐債問題,太陽能需求急速冷凍,隨著各家太陽能電池廠產能相繼開出,導致市場急速反轉,供過於求,庫存問題開始發酵,下游模組廠又因成本壓力,提升發電效率需求(超過原先水準),產生了更多的低效庫存,更擴大了庫存過多的問題,供需失衡的結果,導致太陽能產業供應鏈,銷售價格持續探底,各家公司的季報,開始反應庫存的跌價損失,影響公司的毛利。本文使用線性規劃的方法,找出最適化的訂單配置與投產組合,因應客戶需求,滿足客戶發電效率與發電量的要求,讓庫存最低,降低存貨跌價損失,也間接的產生了成品與訂單的分配原則,避免生產過剩與產能浪費的問題。
Facing the growth of solar cell industry and the increasingly market demand, companies began to invest more capital and expand capacity into this busness because the low entry barriers. Due to the outbreak of the European debt problems from 2012Q2, the demand for solar cells was quickly frozen. With following capacities in various solar cell Fabs led the market situation into the oversupply condition, inventory problems started to ferment . At the same time, downstream module factories had raised the efficiency requirement because of cost pressure , more inefficient inventories had enlarge the excessive inventory problems. With the imbalance result of supply and demand, the solar energy supply chain had faced the going down sales prices . Inventory valuation loss started to affect the company's gross profit in each company's quarterly finance reports . This thesis proposes a linear programming methodology to find a most proper order allocation and product input mix in solar cell industry . With this mathematical methodology , we can meet both the customers' efficiency and MW requirements , reduced the loss on inventories , minimum the inventory level , generated the allocation principles for the match of the finished goods and order , avoided the problems of overproduction and insufficient use of capacity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis