Title: 蕭特基二極體之光罩設計參數最佳化
Mask Design Parameters Optimization for Schottky Diode
Authors: 鍾岑玫
Chung, Chin-Mei

Chang, Yung-Chia
Keywords: 實驗設計;蕭特基二極體;變異數分析;顯著因子;DOE;Schottky Diode;ANOVA;prominent factors
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 在蕭特基二極體(Schottky Diode)各項製程中,光罩的參數設計對於蕭特基二極體的良窳有著決定性的影響,設計優良的光罩能讓蕭特基二極體具有較佳的電性,能讓啟動電壓更小、能源損耗及發熱量更低,此對於電子產品及機構而言,意味著更高的轉換效率。本研究透過實驗設計法(Design of experiment,DOE) ,於光罩設計參數中,找出影響相對應電性的顯著因子進行實驗,並透過變異數分析方法(Analysis of variance,ANOVA)分析,了解各顯著因子對電性造成的影響程度。 此研究成果除了協助個案設計公司進行專注設計,以降低研發成本外,期能提供產業界在相關設計上的參考。
In process of the production of Schottky Diode, The design of a parameter for the Mask destined the proof of Schottky Diode. Well-designed Mask makes Schottky Diode devise better conductance, which minimizes the starting voltage, lowers heat and energy consumption, and means higher transformation efficiency for the product and the organization. This research, not only in the way of Design of experiment(DOE), sought out the prominent factors that affected the comparative conductance to make progress the experiment with the designed parameter to the Mask, but also Analysis of variance (ANOVA), conceives the degree that the comparative conductance was influenced by the prominent factors. In addition to helping the individual design company to devote itself to design to lower the researching cost, the achievement of this research provides the reference of the relative design for the manufacture.
Appears in Collections:Thesis