標題: 台灣乙太網寬頻路由器競爭分析- 以單一產品之自有品牌公司為例
Competiveness Analysis of Taiwan's Ethernet Broadband Router Industry for Brand Companies
作者: 胡恩
Wu, Yan
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 網路;產業價值鍊;競爭優勢;Ethernet switch;Industry analysis;SWOT;Value chain;Competitive advantage
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 根據資策會的網路產品分類標準,區域網路的產品有網路卡(NIC)、集線器(hub)、交換器(switch)、無線區域網路產品(WLAN)、soho router 以及其他網路相關的產品例如中繼器(repeater)、橋接器(bridge)…等,而對於廣域網路的產品有類比式數據機(analog modem)、纜線數據機(cable modem)、數位用戶迴路技術的多項產品如xDSL、ADSL 以及ISDN(integrated service digital network)等的項目。 本論文將著重於路由器產業中乙太網寬頻路由器的產品競爭分析;透過產業分析的方法,並以馬來西亞市場(東南亞地區)以及自有品牌業者普萊德 Planet為案例,探討自有品牌、單一產品製造商的機會和建議。
MIC’s (Market Intelligence Center) network product classification include network card (NIC), hub (hub), switch (switch), wireless LAN products (WLAN), soho router and other network related products such as repeater or bridge. As for wide area network products, it includes analog-type modem (analog modem), cable modem (cable modem), a number of users circuit technology products such as xDSL, ADSL, and ISDN (integrated service digital network). The research focuses on broadband Ethernet router analysis. Through field study and industry investigation on Malaysian market as well as the case study on Planet Technology Corporation with private-owned brand, a research on managing a private-owned brand will be discussed and hope to give hints and recommendation for Taiwan brand manufacturers with single product line.


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